What is AR?
Types of AR
Systems Leadership
Methods and Research Design
Wild Card

What are the two main approaches to AR?

  1. problem in context

  2. focus on empowerment and social change


Which are the the five types of action research we learned about in this class?

  1. AR

  2. CAR

  3. PAR

  4. YPAR

  5. Community-based AR


Name one tool you can use to understand the system in action research?

  1. Cause and effect diagram

  2. Water of systems change

  3. Equity audit

  4. Schoolwide problem matrix (RIOT/ICEL)

  5. Systems mapping

  6. Others?


What are the two main purposes of the literature review in action research?

  1. Frame the problem

  2. Find solutions (identify actions of interventions


What makes action research different than traditional research?

Action plan/ Aim of improving practice


What are Mertler’s Four Stages of AR?

Planning, Acting, Developing, Reflecting


What is collaborative action research and which  approach is it more often aligned with?

Group of people working together to identity issues and intervene in a specific context

Problem in context


How does an organization “feed forward”?

Critical learning practices such as critical inquiry and sharing of cognitive maps

Uses mental/cognitive map and focuses on critical issues

Moves from intuiting to interpreting to integrating 


What research design does Ivankova argue makes sense for an action research methodology?

Mixed methods


What is essential in an action research study design (think Kemmis)?

Using action or an invention in a spiral of research cycles to develop, implement, and evaluate plans for improvement


What are three of the five outcomes of AR?

  1. Better understanding of the context, situation, and possibilities

  2. Discovery of a problem

  3. Effective program or intervention

  4. Understanding of how to modify intervention

  5. Ineffective invention + learning


What makes action research participatory and which approach is it most often aligned with?

People directly affected by the research are in involved in all stages of the research

Focus on empowerment and social change


What are two of the five core assumptions of organizational learning?

  1. Multilevel

  2. Requires inquiry

  3. Share understandings

  4. Behavioral and cognitive change

  5. Embed knowledge in theories-of-use or routines


What are the five components of an action research study design (part of planning)?

  1. Purpose statement

  2. Research question

  3. Research methods

  4. Data collection strategy

  5. Data analysis plan


What is a participatory contact zone?

Spaces where differently positioned people come together, with distinct relationships to power and vulnerability, where differences are cultivated as resources; dynamics of power and related tensions are understood as method and not an interruption of the research process


What are four of the common characteristics of action research?

  1. Iterative/cyclical

  2. Gather information/ discipline inquiry

  3. Responsive, empowering. Participatory

  4. Value-oriented

  5. Reflective

  6. Utilizes traditional methods

  7. Generate an action plan

  8. Other?


How do you select a type of action research? Name two key factors.

Paradigm (Epistemology

Ontology/Your beliefs)

Context of your study


What are two of the six conditions that have potential to support organizational learning in schools

  1. Prioritizing learning for all members

  2. Fostering inquiry

  3. Disseminating knowledge

  4. Democratic principles

  5. Human relationships

  6. Individual self-fulfillment


What is a theory of action?

If. . . then . . .


What goes in chapter 5 of an action research dissertation?

Action plan 



Mertler had nine steps of action research. What are they?

  1. Identity and limit the topic or problem

  2. Gather information

  3. Review the related research

  4. Develop a research plan

  5. Implement the plan/collect data

  6. Analyze the data

  7. Develop an action plan

  8. Share and communicate results

  9. Reflect on the process


What is critical participatory action research?

An approach that reveals the everyday stories of struggle and survival of the persons being studied, combats social injustice, and leverages social science research for action. Critical participatory action research challenges the narrow ways in which research has traditionally been conducted, and elevates the voices and perspectives of formerly marginalized groups.


What is productive organizational learning?

  1. Avoids status quo

  2. Proactive 

  3. Detects and corrects errors

  4. Institutionalizes/embeds new knowledge

  5. Balances continuity and change

  6. Renews from within


What should be included in your positionality for action research?



Plan to mitigate bias 

(insider-outsider status)


What are the six positionalities (Herr & Anderson)?

  1. Insider

  2. Insider in collaboration with insiders

  3. Insiders in collaboration with outsiders

  4. Reciprocal collaboration

  5. Outsiders in collaboration with insiders

  6. Outsider studies insiders
