Present/Past Progressive
Present/Past Perfect
Random Challenge Questions
This action hasn't happened yet, but it will. It usually uses a helping verb and needs to be in a verb phrase to be used.
What is the future tense?
I go to Haggard Middle School every day. What is the action verb and the action verb in this sentence?
What are go and present tense?
This is the definition of present progressive, and how it is written.
What is an action that is currently happening, and uses the helping verbs is, am, are and ends in -ing?
The pattern for the present perfect.
What is has or have with an action verb with an -ed ending?
This is the color that verbs are coded when we do color coded grammar.
What is orange?
This action is a general truth or something that you do on a regular basis.
What is the present tense?
The leaves fell from the tree yesterday. What is the action verb, what kind of verb is it, and what tense is it in?
What are fell, irregular verb, and past tense?
This is the definition for the past progressive and how it is written.
What is an action that was happening in the past and uses the helping verbs was, were and ends in -ing?
The pattern for the past perfect.
What is had with an action verb and an -ed ending?
You are writing about something that happened before another action in the past. What tense should you use?
What is the past perfect tense?
This action already happened. It usually ends in -ed.
What is the past tense?
These are the three helping verbs that you could use to show the future tense.
What are will, could, and shall?
A sentence with the subject "students" with a present progressive verb.
What is Students are having so much fun with this jeopardy game? Sentence must have are as a helping verb and an -ing ending on your action verb.
A sentence with a present perfect tense.
What is I have looked at my study guide many times? It must have has or have and an -ed ending.
The students will be studying adjectives in our next grammar unit. Will be studying is an example of what action verb tense?
What is future progressive?
This action is something that was happening or is currently happening. It uses the helping verbs is, am, are, was, or were. The action verb always ends in -ing.
What are present and past progressive?
The past participle form always has this kind of verb in the verb phrase.
What is a helping verb?
A sentence with the subject "Friends" with a past progressive verb.
What is The friends were talking about their Thanksgiving break? The sentence must have the helping verb were and an -ing ending on their verb.
A sentence in the past perfect tense.
What is She had attended tutorials a couple of weeks ago? Your sentence should have the had helping verb and an action verb with an -ed ending.
The students have been studying verbs, nouns, and pronouns. Have been studying is an example of what action verb tense?
What is present perfect progressive?
This action started at an indefinite time in the past and is probably still happening now. This action also started before another action in the past. It uses the helping verbs has, have, or had. The main action verbs end in -ed.
What are the present and past perfect action verb tenses?
Create a sentence with the subject "I" and the verb "bring" in the past participle form.
What is I have brought cookies to school before? You should have a helping verb before your irregular verb.
A sentence with an irregular verb in the progressive tense.
What is My LA teacher was teaching me about the different elements of literature? You must use an irregular verb with an appropriate helping verb and an -ing ending.
A sentence with an irregular verb in the perfect tense.
What is Annette had made the Honor Roll a couple of years ago? Your sentence should have an irregular verb with has, have, or had as the helping verb.
I will have studied all the basics parts of speech by the time I graduate from 6th grade. Will have studied is an example of what action verb tense?
What is the future perfect tense?