General Terminology
General Terminology 2
Editing 1
Editing 2
Camera Shots & Techniques
A common set of standards in media texts.
What is a Convention?
When the sound exists in the world of the characters/actors. For example, dialogue.
What is Diegetic Sound?
Transition generally used at the end of a scene to signify to the audience an end of action. Generally action will slowly disappear.
What is a Fade?
Any images on screen that are generated digitally, to give the appearance the unnatural is natural or real.
What is CGI (Computer Generated Image)?
This shot tells us where we are.
What is an Establishing Shot?
The good guy, the hero; Batman, Superman, Spider-Man
What is a Protagonist?
When the sound exists outside of the characters/actors' world. For example, narration/voiceover.
What is Non-diegetic Sound?
An abrupt transition from one shot to another. Usually it is used to maintain continuity editing.
What is a Cut?
A post-production editing effect that makes time seem delayed.
What is Slow Motion?
A shot created using a large camera mounting, capable of achieving high elevations and movements.
What is Crane Shot?
The bad guy, the villain; Joker, Loki, Bane
What is an Antagonist?
Sounds which are expected with what is viewed. For example in a birthday party you expect to hear laughter, singing, and music.
What is Synchronous Sound?
When scenes are edited together using lots of shots cut together quickly. Has the effect the action is taking place quickly and can build tension.
What is Fast-Paced Editing?
The system of cutting used in most mainstream films. The intention is to establish the illusion of seamless action and keep the audiences’ attention on the story.
What is Continuity Editing?
A shot in which the camera moves to follow a sequence of action, typically on a train-like mechanism.
What is Tracking Shot?
The associations that a sign or symbol refers to. For example, the antagonist has a gun which signifies he/she is violent.
What is Signify?
Sound which does not match or is unexpected with the images on the screen. Can be used to build tension, suspense, or emotion.
What is Asynchronous Sound?
This is when one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character.
What is Shot-reverse-shot?
Use of editing style which draws the audience attention to the film making process to reveal that film is ‘constructed’, not ‘natural’. For example, 'Memento'.
What is Non-continuity Editing?
Part of the image is in focus while the rest is out of focus or blurred. This draws the audiences’ attention to a particular action/character.
What is Shallow Focus?
What you associate with an image or the deeper or hidden meanings and associations. For example: The use of a spaceship set, green lighting and make-up which makes the actors look like aliens, indicates to the audience that this is a science-fiction film.
What is Connotation/Connotates?
The sound from one scene continuing to the next or the sound from the next scene being used before the audience sees the relevant images. It gives the sense that the film is ‘linked’ together.
What is a Sound Bridge?
Two shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. It causes the subject to appear to move in an abrupt way, drawing the audiences’ attention to the editing.
What is a Jump Cut?
An editing technique most often used in films to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. The camera will cut away from one action to another action, which can suggest the simultaneity of these two actions but this is not always the case. It can be used to build suspense.
What is Cross-cutting?
The camera is placed on a slant. Often used to portray the psychological uneasiness or tension in the subject being filmed. For example, 'Inception'.
What is a Canted Angle (Dutch Angle)?