These homophones refer to what children sometimes say to teachers and a piece of cut lumber.
Bored and board
This pigment that decreases in the plants during autumn.
The 3 colors of a piece of candy corn (must be from largest part to the point of the triangle candy)?
Yellow (base), Orange (middle), White (top)
Karate's crowning achievement.
Black Belt
This planet, known as the “Red Planet,” is the fourth from the Sun in our solar system.
A word that refers to a plant you smell and the main ingredient in bread.
Flower and Flour.
Name of the full moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox.
Harvest Moon.
One of Michael Jackson's most popular Halloween themed music videos is this song title.
A low blow.
Below the belt.
A Russian probe located on this planet captured the first close-up images sent back to Earth in 1975.
These homophones refer to an aspect of musical rhythm and a vegetable.
Beat and Beet.
Starbuck's top selling drink of all time.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
The villain in the "Halloween" movie franchise.
Michael Myers.
A metaphoric place to tuck experience.
Under your belt.
Hell, Billy and Julius Caesar are all a group of moon features given this name.
Something dark and a mounted man of arms.
Night and Knight.
Not officially a Holiday, but many people are off work to hit the stores bright and early.
Black Friday.
The most popular candy bought during the Halloween holiday?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
To curtail spending.
Tighten the belt.
Also the name of part of an atom, this central part of a comet is its only permanent feature.
These homophones refer to a small microscopic organism and what a person does in sales.
Cell and Sell.
Celebrated on September 30th, it's the day we take to honour our indigenous ancestors.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
The name of the clown in Steven King's "It"?
The religious southern region of the United States.
Bible belt.
Scientists discovered that the 1998 asteroid QE2 had this following it when it went cruising by Earth in 2013.
A moon.