Retro Recipes
Technology in the Eighties
Toy's of the 1970's

This powdered gelatin product was a mainstay of 1960s aspics, like the iconic Perfection Salad.

What is Jell-O? The 1964 edition of The Joy of Cooking devoted an entire chapter to

Jell-O salads, but the popularity of gelatin aspics declined by the mid-1970s.


 On April 4, 1975, this company was co-founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.


Answer: What is Microsoft? 

The company is still around today and helped popularize personal computers during the 1980s and ’90s



This camera company produced its first disposable cameras in 1987.


What is Kodak?

 The camera was designed for tourists who wanted to take vacation photos, but it had widespread appeal due to its convenience and affordability.


This Hasbro doll was introduced in 1973 and was advertised as “the doll that eats, drinks, and wets.”

 Baby Alive? or Cutie Carol?


What is Baby Alive? 

The doll swept the nation with its realism and would even get a voice in later versions (much to the annoyance of parents everywhere).


 This ooey-gooey, dippable cheese became a popular favorite after it was featured in the Switzerland exhibit of the 1964 New York World’s Fair.

What is fondue? 

The Swiss traditionally eat this treat with crusty bread and a side of wine or tea.


In 1975, she became the first woman elected to lead Britain’s Conservative Party.


Who is Margaret Thatcher? 

She replaced Edward Heath as the leader of the Conservative Party and earned herself the nickname “The Iron Lady


Apple first introduced this computer in 1984 and changed the future of personal computing for good.


What is the Macintosh? Mac computers are still popular today, but they look little like the original clunky and low-resolution Macintosh.


Kids in the 1970s didn’t have to worry about feeding or walking this pet, invented by Gary Dahl.

What is a pet rock? 

The fad of pet rocks was fading by the late ’70s, though you can sometimes still find pet rocks for sale today.


During the 1960s, Swedish meatballs became a wildly popular appetizer, and the most popular gravy choice was this canned soup.


What is cream of mushroom? 

During the 1960s,Scandinavian design and food were very popular in America.


 This seaside thriller directed by Steven Spielberg was released on June 20, 1975.


What is Jaws? 

It was based on a novel by Peter Benchley and starred Roy Scheider and Richard Dreyfuss.


This portable music player from Sony was first introduced in June 1980, meaning people could take a stereo with them anywhere.


What is the Walkman? 

This battery-operated personal cassette player remained popular throughout the decade, with the company branching out into CDs and MP3s as well


This Atari video game released in 1972 was based on the sport of tennis.



What is Pong? 

In just two years, Atari had sold over 8,000 Pong games


 This Hormel canned meat product gained popularity during the 1960s as a breakfast side dish and in sandwiches.

What is Spam? 

The meat product became a staple for troops serving in World War II, and its popularity spread across the globe.


This athlete became the first Black man to win

Wimbledon in July 1975.

 Who is Arthur Ashe?

 He won over 50 tournaments in his career and is remembered as a courageous legend; the U.S. Open’s home court is even named in his honor.


On December 2, 1982, a dentist named Barney Clark became the first person to receive the Jarvik 7, a permanent replacement for this internal organ.

What is the heart?

 The Jarvik 7 represented a huge stepforward in artificial heart technology. Today, artificial hearts can support a patient for months or even years.


 Kids in the ’70s loved to play with this flexible latex doll from the Kenner Company. 

 Stretch Armstrong or Yoga Bear 

What is Stretch Armstrong? 

The toy has made several comebacks throughout the years, including as recently as 2017.


Throughout the 1960s and ’70s, this two-ingredient appetizer made from Lipton soup mix remained popular. It was sometimes called “California Dip.”

What is Lipton Onion Soup Dip?

 The surge in Lipton sales led the company to sponsor Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts as a way to advertise their “California Dip.”


 On April 30, 1975, the conflict in this country came to an end after decades of fighting. 

What is Vietnam? 

North and South Vietnam were reunited after the fall of Saigon in 1975.



In 1987, a disposable version of this alternative to eyeglasses was invented, a revolutionary concept at the time.

Answer: What are contact lenses?

 Previous to disposable lenses, contact wearers had to carefully clean and maintain their lenses, and misplacing a lens was a costly mistake.


This educational toy was a lot more fun than a spelling test, though it taught the same skills.

 Speak & Spell or Spelling Bee


What is the Speak & Spell? 

The toy was created by Texas Instruments, a brand often associated with calculators, and had a library of commonly misspelled words to teach children
