Grammar 1
Grammar 2
Ex Machina
Grammar 3

Tell me everything you know about gerunds and infinitives.

BONUS!!!!!! (200 points)

Use the past tense of 'choose' in a sentence with the correct form (gerund or infinitive). 

Gerunds and infinitives come from verb forms but function as nouns. 

Gerund = -ing form of a verb.

Infinitives = to + base form of a  verb.


Apples are better than bananas.

For 30 seconds, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement. 

To receive the maximum amount of points you must talk for 30 seconds straight!!!!!!!!

Answers will vary. 


Complete each blank with the correct preposition:

My students were complaining ______ not being able to use TikTok during class.

My students were complaining about not being able to use TikTok during class.


Who is Ava?

Possible answer: An advanced AI robot.


Describe the rules for the use of 'some' and 'any.'

Affirmative statements:

Negative statements:


Affirmative statements: some

Negative statements:  any

Questions: some or any


Gerund or Infinitive

If you decide _______ (walk) to the party, be sure  _______ (take) your chaquetin!!!

If you decide to walk to the party, be sure to take your chaquetin!!


I would rather have a group of acquaintances than one close friend.

For 30 seconds, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement. 

To receive the maximum amount of points you must talk for 30 seconds straight!!!!!!!!

BONUS!!!!!!! (100 points for each correct answer)

The book lists 7 types of friends. In 30 seconds, name them and give a short  definition.

Answers will vary.


an acquaintance - a person you know but don't know well.

a best friend - a person who is your closest friend.

a soul mate - a special friend - such as a spouse, boyfriend - who shares almost all your beliefs. 

a close friend - a friend you can talk about anything with.

a fair-weather friend - a friend who likes you when things are going well, but who stays away when you have problems.

a social media friend - a perons in your online social network. 

a family friend - a person you know because he or she is a friend of your parents or siblings. 


You should always apologize ______ being late.

You should always apologize for being late.


What does Ava ask Caleb to do during their interactions?

To help her escape.

Use 'a lot of' or 'lots of' and the vocabulary from Looking Good to create sentences in each scenario:

Affirmative Statement: plural count noun and noncount noun.

Negative Statement: plural count noun and noncount noun

Questions: plural count noun and noncount noun

Possible Answers:

I bought a lot of deodorant yesterday. 

My girlfriend doesn't like to buy a lot of hair gel.

Did you buy lots of razors at HEB?


My students hope _______ (go) to Sea World this weekend. 

BONUS!!!!!!! (100 points for each correct answer)

The book lists 11 verbs that can be followed by an infinitive. Name as many as you can in 30 seconds!

My students hope to go to Sea World this weekend. 

agree, choose, decide, expect, hope, learn, need, seem, want, wish, and would like. 


The one who asked the other on a date should pay.

For 30 seconds, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement. 

To receive the maximum amount of points you must talk for 30 seconds straight!!!!!!!!

Answers will vary.


We believe _____ telling the truth, even when it's difficult.

We believe in telling the truth, even when it's difficult.


What is the ultimate fate of Caleb? 

He is locked inside the facility. 

Explain how we use 'much' and 'many' in English with count and noncount nouns. Give examples. 

Use 'many' and 'much' in negative statements. 

Use 'many' with plural count nouns.

Use 'much' with noncount nouns.

I don't have many students this session.

I don't have much coffee left in my cup. 😖


UNAM students don't mind ______ (do) homework on Saturday and Sunday. 

UNAM students don't mind doing homework on Saturday and Sunday. 


I would date a person 40 years older than me if they were really rich. 

For 30 seconds, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement. 

To receive the maximum amount of points you must talk for 30 seconds straight!!!!!!!!

Answers will vary.


My students are sick and tired _____  ______ (write) essays!!!!

BONUS!!!!!!! (100 points for each correct answer)

The book lists 8 Verb + Preposition collocations: Name as many as you can in 30 seconds. 

My students are sick and tired of writing essays!!!!

complain about           apologize for

talk about                   believe in

think about                 object to

worry about                 bored with


What charactersitic of Ava makes Caleb believe she has true consciousness? 

Her emotional responses.

Complete these grammar rules with someone, no one, or anyone.

1. Use _______ or ________ in affirmative statements.

2. Use ________ or _________ in questions.

3. Use ________ in negative statements. 

1. someone/no one

2. anyone/someone

3. anyone


Name 2 verbs that can be followed by a gerund or an infinitive.

BONUS!!!!!! (100 points for each correct answer)

The book lists 10 verbs that are followed by a gerund. Name as many as you can in 30 seconds.

begin, can't stand, continue, hate, like, love, prefer, start, and try.

avoid, discuss, dislike, don't mind, enjoy, feel like, keep, practice, quit, and suggest. 


Birth order (oldest, middle, youngest) affect personality. 

For 30 seconds, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement. 

To receive the maximum amount of points you must talk for 30 seconds straight!!!!!!!!

Answers will vary. 


Regina is crazy ______ _______ (learn) grammar!!!

BONUS!!!!!!! (100 points for each correct answer)

The book lists 9 adjective + preposition collocations. Name as many as you can in 30 seconds. 

Regina is crazy about learning grammar!

angry about                     sad about

crazy about                      upset about

excited about                    afraid of

happy about                     sick and tired of

unhappy about


Do you think Ava's actions at the end of the movie were justified? Why or why not? 

You must speak for at least one minute to get full credit. 

If your classmate has a different answer, she can also receive 500 points if she can speak on the topic for 1 minute!!!!

Answer will vary!


Name the band playing in this video.

BONUS!!!!! (500 points): Name the singer/songwriters name.

BONUS!!!! (500 points): Name the song and the title of the CD the song was on.

Smashin Pumpkins

Billy Corgan

Mayonaise/Siamese Dreams
