Who is our club's advisor? (Hint: he spoke at a meeting about suicide prevention last semester)
Who is Dr. Michael Fletcher?
What is the typical age that your brain is considered to be fully formed?
What is age 25?
What is the leading cause of disability in the United States?
What is depression?
What color is popularly associated with showing support for mental health awareness? (aka what color do we see on backpacks all around campus?)
What is a green bandana?
In 2017, what musician released a song by the title of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number?
Who is Logic?
What is our club's big event that happens in the spring every year?
What is Mental Health Around the World?
What percent of your brain is fat?
What is 60%?
What month is Mental Health Awareness month?
What is the month of May?
What service is available to all University of Iowa students for any mental health concerns?
What is University Counseling Services/UCS?
The main character in the 2001 movie "A Beautiful Mind" experiences what mental illness?
What is Schizophrenia?
What are the colors in the Active Minds logo?
What is green and blue?
The smell of what substance has been proven to trigger relaxation by increasing Theta waves in the brain?
What is chocolate?
50% of mental health problems begin by what age?
What is age 14?
It is suggested to incorporate practices from five different dimensions into your self-care routine. Physical, Mental, & Spiritual are three of them. What are the other two?
What is Social & Emotional?
Which Grammy award winner shared that she suffers from PTSD and said: "I have a mental illness, and I struggle with it every single day."
Cher, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, or Rihanna?
Who is Lady Gaga?
What year was Active Minds founded?
1975, 1993, 2003, or 2010?
What is 2003?
Spehno-palantine Ganglio-neuralgia is the scientific term for what form of brief painful headache? (Hint: think of a summer treat)
What is brain freeze?
Suicide is the ___ leading cause of death among people ages 15-34 in the United States?
What is the 2nd leading cause?
What is the name of the fair that Active Minds most recently participated in?
What is Fresh Check Day?
The main character in "Silver Linings Playbook" experiences what mental illness?
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Approximately how many campus-based chapters of Active Minds exist around the US?
50, 200, 600, or 1000?
What is 600?
Coulrophobia is the fear of what?
What are clowns?
About __ in __ Americans will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives?
What is 1 in 5 Americans?
Who is Active Minds vice president this year?
Who is Kaitlyn Fink?
The main character in "Rain Man" experiences what developmental disability?
What is Autism?