Children are directed to line up by the door prior to going outside.
Where does the teaching staff stand?
One teaching staff stands at the front of the line. The other teaching staff stands at the back of the line.
What is Zoning?
Zoning is where staff carefully maneuver themselves in assigned areas of the classroom. This ensures all areas & children are supervised.
How many whiteboards is a classroom provided?
Who should be able to account for all the children in the classroom?
ALL teaching staff
Transitions require what?
Intentional planning ahead
The teacher counts the children marking them off on the Lanyard sheet with an _____ as they call their name.
What marking do you use?
An X
Zones are created with _______ to different areas of play so staff can react quickly.
Clear Paths
When the entire classroom goes to the bathroom the children's names ____ need to be listed on the whiteboard
Why are staff to be continuously scanning the entire classroom?
To ensure all children are safe and supervised
Transitions are supervised and _____
Quick Paced
Once all children have been accounted for, the teacher counts the total number of “X’s” marked and then does what?
Records that total at the bottom of the Lanyard Sheet.
If no children are in a teachers ZONE, they should move to a more populated Zone to assist in child supervision, before moving to another area what needs to happen?
The teacher communicates with the other teachers.
The "Here Today" section on the Whiteboard is used to record the most up to date number of children present. This section is to ______ reflect the ___ number of children present.
ALWAYS and accurate
When staff scan and count the children they compare that number to what?
The child count number on the whiteboard
What resource within the Creative Curriculum is great for transitions?
Mighty Minutes
What does the teacher at the back of the line do before leaving the classroom?
Scans the classroom, ensuring that all of the children are in line and accounted for.
Zoning includes anticipation of what?
The children’s behavior
As the number of children present changes, the “Here Today” section of the Whiteboard is to be updated ___________
The whiteboard should _____ accurately depict the number of children present.
Staff ______ to ensure everyone is aware of where all the children are during the transitions.
What does the teacher need to do before dismissing the children to the playground?
Counts the children marking them off on the Lanyard sheet with an X as they call their names.
When and how often are Staff Zoning meetings?
DAILY: Staff meet everyday 5 minutes prior to the start of school to discuss Zoning for the day and address any supervision or safety concerns with Zoning.
WEEKLY: During weekly planning time the staff as a team will discuss Zoning including assignments & changes as needed.
When a child returns from the bathroom the teacher needs to do what?
Communicate with the other teachers and erase the child's name from the whiteboard.
Scanning and counting should be happening how often during the school day?
All Day/ All the time
After the class has transitioned, staff are to do what?
A headcount ensuring all children are accounted for.