Someones background
Churches teaching authority
Why is it necessary that the Church is Catholic
Catholic means universal and God wants the church to be universal
When do we become a member of the church?
at baptism
What year did the eastern and western churches stop communicating?
Good news
comes from papa, means "father". He is the spiritual leader of the Church
Explain how the church works within a culture
By adjusting to the culture so they can spread Jesus' message clearer
What are our responsibilities as a member of the church?
to be a worshiping, serving, and believing memeber
Rome, Constantinople, Alexandra, Antioch, and Jerusalem
Bishops and Popes working together
What happened in 1054?
Some political and cultural differences led to the split of the Eastern and Western Churches.
How is the church apostolic?
It is rooted to the teachings of the apostles and continues their mission
What are a few things that led to the split of the church?
Political issues, language issues, and cultural problems
Interreligious dialogue
striving to increase understanding between different religions
the gift that when the Pope proclaims a teaching we believe it to be true because God is working within him preserving him from error
Explain New Evangelization
Wanted those who are losing their faith to go back to Jesus. People who have already seen the Good News but are indifferent to it.
Explain the importance of magisterium
it allows us to continue to learn more
How did Francis Xavier help strengthen the Church?
He went to other countries then learned the cultures there too spread the message of Jesus
one of the 6 major Eastern Churches
the territory that a Bishop leads
How is the byzantine mass different then ours?
Receive Eucharist on a spoon and its in the shape of a tiny cube of bread, always singing and praying, sign of cross different, and people bowing from waist
explain the leadership roles of the church
The pope is the bishop of Rome and he is the spiritual leader of the church/ The bishops work to lead the churches and their diocese.
How did Catherine of Sienna help strengthen the Church.
She had a vision of Jesus, then it led her to care for the sick and poor. She saved the tradition of the Pope living in Rome so he could focus on his duties.