who was the 3rd president of the USA
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the 2nd president of the USA, he was also a federalist
John Adams
Who was the first president of the United States
George Washington
TRUE OR FALSE: DID thomas jefferson sign the declaration of Independence.
What were George Washington's 2 pieces of advice.
"No political parties" and "Do not make alliances with other nations."
Who killed Alexander Hamilton
Aaron burr
Was Alexander Hamilton ever a President?
What side did George Washington choose between Britain and France?
Neither. He didn't pick either side.
how many presidential sessions did Thomas Jefferson last?
2 sessions (8years)
Was Alexander Hamilton Vice-President during John Adams's presidency?
What was George Washington's advice for future Presidents called?
Farewell address
what goverment did thomas jefferson support.
opposed a strong centralized Government and championed the rights of states.
What was John Adams's action that made the Federalists mad?
what political party was george washington
neutral. Not apart of a political party.