What is the first stop (island) on Paul's first mission journey with Barnabas?
Cyprus. To the city of Paphos
Who did Paul heal in Lystra?
A crippled man.
What dispute came up among the Jews in verse 1?
The Gentiles cannot be saved unless they are circumcised/follow the Laws of Moses.
Who joined Paul in Lystra?
What is the name of the Jewish sorcerer Paul and Barnabas met at Paphos?
Bar-Jesus or Elymas
The greek gods of Hermes and Zeus.
Who was the first believer to speak up during the Jerusalem Council?
Paul received a vision of a man telling him to come to a specific area. What was that area?
There are two Antiochs: Syrian Antioch and ______ Antioch
What did some of the Gentiles and Jews who were against Paul and Barnabas plan to do in Iconium?
They planned to stone them.
Which person ultimately caused Paul and Barnabas to split up for their next mission journey?
John Mark
Who became the first believer in Philippi?
The following was spoken by Paul to the people of Antioch. Fill-in the blanks.
‘I have made you a l____ for the Gentiles, that you may bring s_____ to the ends of the earth.’
light, salvation
Paul said the following to the people of Lystra. Fill in the blanks. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these w_____ things to the living God, who made the heavens and the earth and the s____ and everything in them.
worthless, sea
Which two men went with Paul and Barnabas to carry the letter to the Gentiles to Antioch?
Judas (Barsabbas) and Silas
Why were Paul and Silas thrown in prison?
Because they had freed a slave girl from an evil spirit so her owners could no longer make money off of her.
Why did the Jews oppose Paul and Barnabas in Antioch and where did Paul and Barnabas go after being kicked out?
The Jews were jealous; Iconium
What did they appoint for each church at the end of their first journey?
James spoke up during the council and said that the Gentiles should not be troubled with the law of Moses.
Instead, he said a letter should be sent with 3 clear rules. What were these rules?
1. No food should be eaten that was offered to idols.
2. To keep away from sexual sin.
3. To not eat any animal that had been strangled or any blood.
The Holy Spirit had led Paul and the others to Philippi to share about Jesus Christ. Name the people we know who were positively impacted by them.
Lydia, the slave girl, the jailer and his family, and the prisoners in the jail.