Who was the helper that Jesus promised to send?
The Holy Spirit
Who was the first Christian martyr?
Who was converted on the road to Damascus?
In the vision that Peter had of the sheet that was lowered with animals upon it, what was he commanded to do?
Kill and eat
What apostle went on missionary journeys?
What festival was being celebrated when the disciples received the Holy Spirit?
What famous person watched and approved of Stephen's death?
Saul (Paul)
Why was Saul going to Damascus?
To arrest members of the church
What Gentile house did Peter go to after he saw his vision?
Cornelius's house
How many missionary journeys did Paul take?
According to Act 1:8, what would the disciples receive when the Holy Spirit came upon them?
What happens to the church after Stephen is stoned?
They are greatly persecuted.
After seeing Jesus, how did Saul get to Damascus?
He was led by the hand.
What happened to the Gentile believers while Peter was with them?
They received the Holy Spirit
After Paul's first missionary journey, there was controversy about Gentile believers and the Mosaic Law. What solution did the leaders in Jerusalem present?
The Gentile believers did not have to follow the Mosaic law. Their faith had already saved them.
How did people make fun of the disciples in Acts 2?
They called them drunk
What does Stephen see as he is being stoned?
Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father.
Who did God send to heal Paul of his blindness?
What did Peter command the new believers to do?
Be baptized
In what city was Paul first proclaimed to be a god and then nearly stoned to death?
In his sermon, what did Peter tell the people that they must do?
What good came from the persecution of the church?
The people spread out from Jerusalem to other areas and took the Gospel with them.
What is the Gospel?
Ryan will assess the answer
What was the lesson that Peter learned from the vision of the sheet?
All people were no "clean" and that the Gentiles could receive the Gospel.
Describe the relationship between faith and works presented by James and Paul.