The highest form of prayer it is to praise and worship God
What is a prayer of Adoration?
The opening "frame" of the Mass in which we greet the priest, sing a song of gathering, pray the Confiteor, say or sing the Gloria, and then hear the Collect or opening prayer.
What are the introductory rites?
He is the source of the Eucharist.
Who is Jesus?
To pray for the needs of ourselves or others.
What is a prayer of supplication?
One of the end frames of the Mass, it includes the final blessing
What are the Concluding Rites?
A blessed, he was a great friend who loved serving the poor and spending time with his friends. He especially liked mountain climbing.
Who is Pier Giorgio Frassati?
Triple jeopardy!!!
Pick three of the four ends of prayer and say when they are "occur" in the Mass
What is the gloria (Adoration)
Confiteor (contrition)
Eucharistic prayer (Thanksgiving)
Supplication (Prayers of the Faithful)
One of the two main parts of the Mass, it includes the most sacred event-the Consecration.
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
Name and explain the four ends or purposes of prayer
What are:
To be sorry for our sins
What is a prayer of contrition?
This part of the Mass has readings from the Old and New Testament.
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
The end goal of the Christian life is eternal happiness with God in heaven.
What is the summit?
What is a prayer of thanksgiving?
Double jeopardy-the first reading of the Mass usually comes from which part of the Bible.
What is the Old Testament?
Double Jeopardy: Explain why the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.
The source of the Eucharist is Jesus himself. Our life flows from his pierced side. When we receive the Eucharist, we receive Jesus.
The Eucharist leads us to the summit of the Christian life which is eternal happiness with God in heaven.