Paul's Ministry
The Early, Early Church
Trials and Tribulations
I Believe in Miracles
Who left Paul and Barnabas in Pamphylia?
John whose surname was Mark
What is the first recorded action of Barnabas in Acts?
在使徒行傳, 第一次記載到巴拿巴所作的是什麼事?
Sold his land and laid the money at the apostles' feet (4:37)
他有田地也賣了, 把價銀拿來, 放在使徒腳前
Where did Apollos meet Priscilla and Aquila?
Ephesus (18:24-26)
以弗所 (18:24-26)
What feast was happening when Herod arrested Peter?
當希律王拘捕彼得時, 那時正是什麼日子?
Days of Unleavened Bread (12:3)
What did Peter hear the Angel say before the chains fell off his hands when Herod imprisoned him?
當彼得被希律王囚在監裡, 在鐵鍊就從他手上脫落下來 前, 天使跟他說了甚麼?
Arise quickly (12:7)
When Paul entered the house of Justus, who believed on the Lord?
當保羅到了提猶士都的家中, 那些人信了主?
Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his household (18:8)
Why were the seven deacons, such as Stephen and Philip, appointed?
七名執事, 如司提反和腓利, 為什麼被揀選?
Greek-speaking Jewish widows were being neglected in the daily distribution, but the apostles did not want to deal with this issue at the cost of forsaking their ministry in the Word of God (6:1-4)
有說希臘話的猶太人向希伯來人發怨言, 因為在天天的供給上忽略了他們的寡婦, 但是, 十二使徒不想撇下神的道去管理飯食. (6:1-4)
Paul and his team were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. So which direction is it of Lystra?
聖靈禁止保羅他們在亞西亞講道, 他們就經過弗呂家, 加拉太一帶地方. 到了每西亞的邊界, 他們想要往庇推尼去, 耶穌的靈卻不許. 他們就越過每西亞, 下到特羅亞去. 那麼那是在路司得的甚麼方向呢?
Where was Paul kept until his accusers came to Caesarea so he could be judged?
Herod's Praetorium (23:35)
留保羅在希律的衙門裡 (23:35)
Why did the disciples at Joppa earnestly desire that Dorcas be healed by Peter?
Because Dorcas was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did (9:36)
因為她廣行善事, 多施賙濟 (9:36)
When and where did Luke first join Paul and his mission team? Please provide evidence.
路加第一次參加保羅和他的宣教團隊是在何時何地? 請提供證據.
Luke probably joined them at Troas in 16:10, because the tone changes from third person to first person perspective.
路加在特羅亞參加 (16:10), 因為筆調從第三人改變成第一人稱
On the Day of Pentecost, Peter quotes 2 Old Testament books in his sermon. Which books are they?
在五旬節, 彼得在他講道裡, 引用了舊約. 他們是哪些書?
Joel and Psalms (2:17-21, 25-28, 35)
約珥和詩篇 (2:17-21, 25-28, 35)
On Paul's 2nd missionary journey, Silas accompanied him to every city except one. Which city is that?
在保羅的第二次宣教之旅, 西拉都陪同他到每一個城市, 除了一個. 哪個城市是什麼?
Athens (17:14; 18:5)
雅典 (17:14, 18:5)
How many times did Paul recount of his own conversion experience? Where are the references?
保羅有多少次講述自己得救見證? 出處在哪裡?
Twice; in Acts 22:6-21, 26:12-18
兩次; 在22:6-21, 26:12-18
Luke mentions God working unusual miracles through Paul in Ephesus. What are they?
路加提及到神藉保羅的手行了些非常的奇事. 那麼是甚麼呢?
Handkerchiefs or aprons taken from Paul were brought to the sick and demon-possessed, and they were healed (19:11-12)
甚至有人從保羅身上拿手巾或圍裙放在病人身上, 病就退了, 惡鬼也出去了. (19:11, 12)
In Miletus, what did Paul command the Ephesian elders to do? List 3 things.
在米利都, 保羅命令以弗所的長老做什麼呢? 請列出三項
1) Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock; 2) shepherd the church of God; 3) watch out for savage wolves (false teachers); 4) support the weak
1) 為自己謹慎,也為全群謹慎; 2) 牧養神的教會; 3) 提防兇暴的豺狼 (假先知); 4) 扶助軟弱的人
In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells the disciples to be His witnesses in different places. What are these places, and in what chapters does the Book of Acts describe them first witnessing to each place?
在使徒行傳 1:8, 耶穌告訴門徒在不同的地方作他的見證。這些是什麼地方, 和在那幾章描述他們第一次去到每一個地方作見證呢?
Jerusalem (Acts 2), then all Judea and Samaria (Acts 8), lastly the end of the earth (Acts 11).
在耶路撒冷 (使徒行傳2)、猶太全地和撒馬利亞 (使徒行傳8), 直到地極 (使徒行傳11)
Which two regions did Paul first visit on his 3rd missionary journey?
在保羅的第三次宣教之旅, 他首先探訪了哪兩個地區?
Galatia and Phrygia (18:23)
加拉太和弗呂家地方 (18:23)
In which two cities did Paul face persecution that was not started by the Jews?
在哪兩個城市, 保羅所面對的迫害, 不是從猶太人掀起?
Philippi and Ephesus (16:19, 19:24)
腓立比和以弗所 (16:19, 19:24)
What miracle did Paul perform in Troas, and what can we learn from it?
保羅在特羅亞施行了甚麼奇蹟, 而從中我們可以學到甚麼呢?
He raised Eutychus, who fell off the third story when he fell asleep as Paul was speaking, from the dead. This teaches us not to fall asleep while listening to sermons. (20:9-11)
保羅救了猶推古, 因為當保羅講道時, 他睡熟了就從三層樓上掉下去. 這教導我們聽道時, 不要睡覺 (20:9-11).
When Festus asked Paul if he was willing to be judged by him in Jerusalem, why did Paul appeal to Caesar instead? Provide two possible reasons.
當非斯都問保羅他願不願意在耶路撒冷由他來判斷時, 為什麼保羅要上訴凱撒?提供兩個可能的原因
1) He saw through the Jews' plot to kill him along the way (25:3), 2) He knew he would not get a fair trial in Jerusalem (25:10-11), 3) Jesus told him that he must bear witness for him at Rome (23:11)
1) 他知道猶太人要在路上殺他 (25:3), 2) 他知道他在耶路撒冷不會得到公平審判 (25:10-11), (3) 耶穌告訴保羅他必為他作見證 (23:11)
What culturally radical thing did Peter do in the events concerning Cornelius, and why was it radical? How did God prepare him to do it?
He went into a Gentile's home and ate with them, which was unlawful for Jews to do because they viewed them as unclean due to their religiously unclean practices. The vision of the sheet of all sorts of animals taught Peter not to see them as unclean, because God has accepted all who fear Him. (10:27-28, 34-35)
彼得進入外邦人的家和他們一同吃飯了, 這本是不合例的, 但神已經藉著異象指示他, 無論甚麼人都不可因為宗教不潔的做法, 而被看作俗而不潔淨的, 因為那些各國中敬畏主、行義的人都為主所悅納.
Map Question
In which cities did the Jews' persecution and unbelief cause Paul to leave them and turn to preach to the Gentiles?
在哪些城市, 保羅反過來向外邦人傳教而不是猶太人的原因, 是因為猶太人的迫害和不信?
Pisidian Antioch (13:46), Corinth (18:6), Rome (28:17)
彼西底的安提阿 (13:46); 哥林多 (18:6); 羅馬 (28:17)
Why did Paul feel annoyed by the slave girl when she was saying the right thing in Acts 16? Was Paul wrong?
在使徒行傳16, 被巫鬼所附的使女說正確的事時, 為什麼保羅感到心中厭煩? 保羅錯了嗎?
Paul felt annoyed because the slave girl kept following him, proclaiming through the spirit of divination. Even though what she said is right, the Gospel is NOT associated with evil spirits. If Paul accepted that, people would think of the Gospel and evil spirits together. So he was NOT wrong.
雖然這個使女所知的是來自污鬼, 但是, 她所說的卻是真的. 但是, 假如保羅接受污鬼所說的話, 在他看來便是把福音和邪靈的活動聯繫起來, 這樣便會破壞他所傳揚的信息。真理與邪惡是不能混在一起的. 保羅並沒有錯.