For a ninja, he's not very stealthy...
Starring one "Yeager"-meister
Attack on Titan
A toxic yet common household cleaning product.
It may not be sanitary to eat someone's hair in order to obtain this ability, but it sure beats having no powers.
One For All
A cowboy that definitely carried that weight.
Spike Spiegel
A citrus fruit with a self-explanatory color.
The color red and going incredibly fast isn't just for sports cars! It's also this ability, from a popular shonen jump series.
Gear Second
Kyohiko Azuma's bizarre schoolgirl comedy.
Azumanga Daioh
Satoru becomes a child again to find a local killer in a series from this year.
2015: Erased
A roller blading anime: Think Jet Set Radio, but maybe even cooler.
Air Gear
Losing control; blind with rage.
Ladies, look in your underwear drawer! You may find the title of the Gainax anime series released in this year.
2010: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Her titular journey, from 2004.