What are the first 2 actuarial exams for both the SOA and CAS?
Name 3 different types of actuarial careers
P&C, Healthcare, Retirement, Consulting, Life
Name a benefit of actuaries passing exams
Job security, bonuses, credibility, pay raise
What are 2 major skills you need to have a good actuarial path?
Anything to do with math, finance, statistics, or probability.
When was Cornell founded?
What does FM stand for in Exam FM?
Financial Mathematics
Which companies have come to do information sessions this semester?
Cigna, Aon, NYL, Prudential
Job Security, Good Work/Life Balance, High Salary
Should you pursue an actuarial career if you are not interested in math and finance?
What is the math building at Cornell called?
Malott Hall
What does P stand for in Exam P?
What is the main industry that actuaries work in?
What degree(s) does one need to have a career as an actuary?
Just Bachelors
What class can you take at Cornell to help with Exam FM?
Theory of Interest
What is the Cornell Mascots name (hint, he's a bear!)
What is the big online study tool for Actuaries to study for tests?
Coaching Actuaries
Name 3 companies where Actuaries can work
Cigna, Aon, EY, Prudential, NYL, Marsh,...
Can you hold leadership positions in your company if you are an actuary?
Name two computer skills that Actuaries should know
Excel, Powerpoint, Python, Matlab
Name 3 famous people who have graduated from Cornell
RBG, Dr. Fauci, Bill Nye
How many exams does an Actuary have to pass to get their ASA?
What is the difference between CAS and SOA?
CAS typically go into Property and Causality, where SOA is more about healthcare and retirement
Name three aspects about a healthcare plan
Deductible, OOPM, Member Coinsurance
What is the best club on Cornell's campus?
Cornell Actuarial Society!