This is Sakis fav home food?
Potato Fry
These were my two best friends in elementary school?
Nitish and Mihir
This is Sakis worst class but a class that he rather enjoys?
This is Sakis instrument that he has the most experience with?
This is the sport Saki wanted to play in HS.
American football
This is Sakis least favorite chest exercise?
Pectorial Flies
This was my enemy in elementary school?
This was Sakis fav unit in PE this semester?
This is Sakis favorite artists name 2. Btw out of King Von stage!!!
Travis Scott, Future, 21 Savage, Kendrick Lamar
This is the sport that Saki thinks he can play in HS?
This is the favorite game that Saki likes playing with family.
These are the names of some of my current friends in high school? (Name at least 3)
Eddie, Geonwoo, John, Yashraj, Ansh, Abhir, Junali, Venika, Vin, Evan, etc.
This was Sakis worst subject IN THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR?
Seike Lit Writ
This is Sakis fav album of all time
Heroes and Villains Metro Boomin
What is the highest archery score Saki got out of 30 for one end.
This is Sakis favorite muscle to Train.
Who is my current best friend?
This is the class that Saki is going to try super super more harder for next sem?
This is the instrument that Saki would’ve wanted to play if not for the Sax!
This is Sakis least favorite sport?
Running Track
This is Sakis fav curry. There are many curries that Saki likes but there is one curry that is made well everywhere!!!
Has Saki made more friends in LHS or MMS?
This is Saki‘s most annoying class?
Baugh Math
This is least fav year of band!! Name the grade or the level of band!!!
Beginning Band 6th grade
These are the two sports that Saki plays with Thatha?
Ping Pong and Chess