ADAP is an acronym for Georgia’s ______.
Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program
What is the Georgia Hands Free Law
No driver in GA may hold/support a phone for any reason
____continues to be the most used illicit drug of this age group
According to Guinness World Records, what's the best-selling book of all time?
Good posture while driving allows a better ________ and more control of the vehicle
view of hazards
What type of car seat does an infant need?
rear-facing infant seat
The possession of any amount of the drug is charged as a felony and can result in up to 15 years in prison for the first offense.
What was the first animal to ever be cloned?
What are the names of all the classes you can get for your license
Class CP
Class D
Class C
What type of car seat does a toddler need?
forward facing car seat
______interfere with the body's ability to regulate its temperature, which can cause dangerous overheating (hyperthermia)
What is an eight-sided shape called?
Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act
Maintain at least _____second space margin between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you.
change the way the brain interprets time, reality, and its environment which may result in the user hearing voices, seeing images, and feeling things that do not exist
Which U.S. president is estimated to have the highest IQ?
John Quincy Adams
Pursuant to Senate Bill 226 (“Joshua’s Law”), in order to obtain a Provisional License (Class D) at 16 years of age, proof of having completed an approved driver training course consisting of at least ______ hours of theoretical instruction (classroom or virtual) and _______ hours of practical behind‐the‐wheel instruction (instructor or parent taught) is required.
30 and 6
What qualifies as a super speeder?
state will be assessed for speeding convictions at 85 mph or more anywhere in Georgia and for convictions at 75 mph or more on any two-lane road in Georgia
can experience nausea and nosebleeds; develop liver, lung, and kidney problems; and lose their sense of hearing or smell.
What is Florida’s state bird?
The Northern Mockingbird