Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4/5

True or False: Depression is more than feeling sad or blue from time to time?

True, it's a common medical condition of the brain that not only affects thoughts, feelings, and mood; but also behaviors and physical health. 


True or False: Chronic anxiety can lead to serious mental health problems but NOT interfere with the ability to focus and learn?

False, chronic anxiety can cause school problems and have a lifelong impact. 


Name one other specific feeling someone may be experiencing if they state they are feeling "bad"?

scared, anxious, tired, physically ill, useless, rushed, pressured, bored, busy (per facilitator's discretion)


True or False: Feelings and thoughts are not permanent; they are temporary and will change. 



What is the number of the suicide crisis lifeline?



Identify 1 symptom of depression.

Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood; loss of interest in activities/hobbies; thoughts of death, suicide, or suicide attempts; change in sleep; unusual or persistent tiredness or loss of energy; appetite or weight changes; feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, irritation, restlessness, guilt, worthlessness, helplessness. 


Identify one symptom of anxiety. 

Feelings of nervous, restless, or tense; a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom; difficulty concentrating or focusing; trouble sleeping; upset stomach; difficulty controlling worry; the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety; feeling weak, tired, breathing rapidly, increased heart rate, trembling, sweating.


Give two examples of an obstacles that could keep you or someone else from reaching out for help.

What people might think, not wanting to "burden" people, consequences - fear or not knowing what would happen, invading someone's personal space; not wanting to get involved, too busy - wanted to but moved onto the next thing, not knowing what to do or who to talk to.


Name one thing you can do to get out of the unhealthy stress response cycle: 

unhealthy coping>undesirable outcomes>more stress... 

Practice healthy coping skills, use mindfulness exercises, check in with triggers and cues, change behaviors, use supportive and sensitive language, identify things that make you feel good, practice gratitude. 


What is a word or phrase that increases the stigma around mental health?

BONUS 200 points if you can say something to say to reduce the stigma!

Attention seeker, psycho, freak, weirdo, handicapped, reject, slow, crazy, nuts, retarded, "she's so bipolar", "he's mentally ill". 


Suicide is the second leading cause of death for what age group?

Ages 10-14


Changing behaviors, changing outcomes

Name three healthy coping skills to use when feeling anxious. 

per facilitator's discretion (pages 56- 58 in the journal)  


If you see warning signs in someone and have overheard them make a comment about "not being able to take it anymore". What would you ask that person straight out? 

Are they thinking about suicide or are they talking about killing themselves? 


Name one tip for voicing concern for a friend or loved one. 

show you care: express concern, ask questions, validate the person's feelings, keep it simple, identify people who can help, offer to go with the person to talk with someone, offer hope, blame it on the depression


One in _ children ages 13-18 have, or will have, a mental health condition. 



What is one of the questions to ask ourselves to gain better awareness in a situation?

(Bonus points of 200 if you can name all 3 questions)

What's going on?

What seems clear and makes sense?

What is confusing, unclear, "not quite right"?


Give an example of an internal cue. 

Feeling face flush, feeling tightness in your chest, hands are clenched in a fist, feeling like you want to punch something, leg kicking/bouncing, feeling sick to your stomach, difficulty breathing, sudden urge to cry


Give two examples of behaviors that can be warning signs to suicide. 

Talking about wanting to die or kill oneself, looking for a way to kill oneself, preoccupation with death, talking about being a burden to others, talking about feeling hopeless or having no purpose, talking about feeling trapped, withdrawing or feeling isolated, showing rage or talking about seeking revenge, extreme mood swings, a sudden sense of calm, saying goodbye


Name 2 trusted people you can ask for help if you are struggling. 

per facilitator's discretion. 


What do the "A's" in ADAPT stand for?

"Ask" questions to gain awareness and "Assess" behaviors, obstacles, and warning signs. 


Depression is the leading cause of disability where?



Name three environmental factors that cause stress. 

Situations: taking a test, loss of a loved one, break-up, drama

Places: too many people, too noisy, tight or confined places, someplace that something bad has happened, school, home, bus, unfamiliar places

People: parents, teachers, classmates, family, strangers, bullies, siblings. 


Name one risk factor for suicide.

Family/friend history of suicide, previous suicide attempts, abuse/trauma, bullying, grief or loss, physical illness, substance abuse, unwillingness to sleep help or other barriers to care, easy access to lethal means, challenges related to sexual orientation and/or gender identify in an unsupportive environment. 


Identify 3 things that you are grateful for AND 1 benefit to practicing gratitude. 

opens doors to more relationships, improves physical health, enhances empathy and reduced aggression, improves physiological health, better sleep, improves self-esteem, increases mental health. 


What is 1 thing you have learned with Adapt for Life

per facilitator's discretion 
