Name something in a hygiene kit.
Wipes, Deodorant, Hand Sanitizer, Gum
What is something that tells you where to go during 7th period on Tuesday?
School schedule
What is the name of the box of tools in classrooms to help get you to the GREEN zone?
Sensory Kit
Which zone helps you do your best learning?
The GREEN zone
Describe at least 3 parts of a schedule
day of the week, time, period, class, advisory, name
Demonstrate how to use a body wipe after gym (on the outside of your clothes)
Good job!
What is something that keeps your schedule, to-do list, Zones check-in, folders, and planner together?
What is a tool that might help you calm down?
Weighted lap pad, slow rocking, bean bag, water break...
When you have LOW energy, which zone might you be in?
Blue zone
1. I am made out of paper.
2. You can find me hanging on the wall or in your binder.
3. You use me to check the date and write down events.
A calendar
What are the three things that I need to have before gym class?
1. Hygiene kit
2. Gym clothes
3. Water bottle
What are the two folders for in your binder?
For papers to:
1. Keep at home
2. Bring back to school
What is a tool that might wake you up?
Ball chair, gum, fidget, exercise bike...
When you have HIGH energy, which zone might you be in?
Yellow or Red
Describe a planner in three ways:
1. What do you do with it?
2. Where do you find it?
3. What are its parts?
1. Write down important reminders, tasks, homework, etc.
2. At school, in your binder, in your backpack
3. Calendar, days of the week, check boxes, cover
What are the steps to using your hygiene kit after gym?
1. Take off gym clothes
2. Body wipes
3. Deodorant
4. Put on school clothes
What is something that helps you keep track of important dates and assignments?
A planner
Show TWO different ways to use the yellow or rainbow disc.
Sit on it or put in on your lap.
What is something that you can do when you are in the BLUE zone to get back to the GREEN zone?
Something to wake you up!
Get a drink of water, go for a walk, sit on a rocker chair or a ball chair, go to OT/PT for a break...
Name three ways to describe an object.
Color, Shape/Size, Material,
Where you find it, How you use it,
Category, Association, Parts
What do I do when I run out of something in my hygiene kit?
Tell Ms. Davis or Dr. Fagan
Open your planner. Find today's date in the MONTHLY and WEEKLY calendars!
Good job!
Describe why you might need to go to the OT/PT room.
Used a tool in class and it is NOT working. A teacher asks you to take a break OR you ask a teacher to use a tool in OT/PT to help you get to green.
What is something that you can do to help you move from the YELLOW or RED zones to the GREEN zone?
Something to calm down:
Use a fidget, take a break, use a weighted lap/shoulder pad, take a water break, take a walk, go to OT/PT for a break, talk to a counselor...
Why do we use categories? How do they help us?
Putting things in categories helps us stay organized
Using categories can help us find what we need