Feelings, individuals, or situations that cause your brain to crave substances; if you are unaware of them they could be a factor for relapse.
A refusal to acknowledge a real situation.
The theory that our thoughts impact our emotions and behaviors
This famous rock star died officially of heart failure, but after his death reportedly was found to contain high dosages of, among other things, the opiates Dilaudid, Percodan, and Demerol, as well as Quaaludes and codeine.
King of Rock 'n Roll
Elvis Presley
A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique
A person's ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress.
Distress tolerance
Assuming responsibility for a situation that is outside personal control
Lapse: One time return to an addictive behavior
Relapse: A return to an addictive lifestyle
Justifying illogical, unreasonable ideas, actions or feelings by developing acceptable explanations.
Common types of thoughts that are inaccurate but common among most people
Cognitive distortions
This music artist had a hit pop song come out a few years before her death called 'Rehab'
Amy Winehouse, died of alcohol intoxication
The practice of taking an active role in regularly doing things that improve your well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress
What DEARMAN stands for.
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfulness, Appear confident, Negotiation
Seeing things in black or white as opposed to shades of gray
All-or-nothing thinking
Emotional, mental, physical
Transferring the feelings associated from one source t
o another that is considered less threatening.
Thoughts that run through our head, may be true/untrue or helpful/unhelpful
Automatic thoughts
This film follows the lives of four New Yorkers through their addiction.
Requiem for a Dream
Getting support from a neutral person who can help with mental health and addiction concerns
therapy or counseling
What ACCEPTS stands for.
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Push away, Thoughts, Sensation
Making hasty generalizations from insufficient experiences and evidence.
Stress management, emotion regulation, social support, spirituality, self-care
Relapse prevention strategies
Transferring unacceptable feelings or impulses to another.
The process of replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and beliefs
Cognitive reframing
This singer/songwriter experienced a 20-year drug and alcohol addiction that he said saw him spending about $16,000 a week on heroin in the 1970s.
Eric Clapton
He chose to get clean and change his path after the death of his 4 year old son.
Doing or thinking about something different when you feel yourself being triggered to use substances
Opposite Action
Accept the facts and accept what you cannot change.
Radical acceptance
Inferring a person's possible or probable (usually negative) thoughts from their behavior and nonverbal communication
Mind reading
What HALT stands for
Hunger, Anger, Loneliness & Tiredness
Forgetting a memory in the conscious mind by pulling it into the unconscious
A person's most central ideas about themselves, others, and the world
Core beliefs
This child star first was forced into rehab at age 13, and a mental institution for a year and a half after that. She was emancipated from her parents and declared an adult at age 14. She worked hard and stayed sober once she was away from her family.
Drew Barrymore
Phrases you can say to yourself to help you get through distressing situations
Affirmations or positive self-talk
Wise Mind, "What" skills, and "How" skills.
Mindfulness skills
Predicting negative outcomes of events.
Fortune telling