Relapse Prevention
Early Recovery
Styles of Communication
Coping Skills

feelings, individuals, or situations that cause your brain to crave substances; if you are unaware of them they could be a factor for relapse. 

What are Triggers ?


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

What is the Serenity Prayer?


This communication style can be characterized by speaking loudly, in a controlling way, or by being dismissive of some ones viewpoints.

What is aggressive communication style?


This actor/comedian played a Genie in Aladdin and lived in the bay area. He struggled with addiction and substance abuse. He committed suicide in 2014.

Who is Robin Williams?


Name 5 healthy coping skills in 15 seconds

They are all correct


Something you can do to take your mind off a craving or to deal with triggering situations.

What is a coping skill?


someone who guides a newcomer through the process of 12-step groups

What is a sponsor ?


In this type of communication style people fail to express their true thoughts and feelings 

What is passive communication style?


This metallic man has been in recovery since 2003. He was introduced to drugs by his famous father and spent time in jail. He saw a resurgence in his popularity since entering recovery and staring in a series of hit movies.

Who is Robert Downey Jr or "Iron Man" ?


a powerful desire to use substances, often perceived as "impulsive" and "uncontrollable" that can last up to 30 minutes.

What is a craving ?


Three common types of triggers

What are people, places and things?


A diminishing sensitivity to the effects of alcohol or drugs, leading to having to take more of the substances to feel the effects.

What is Tolerance?


This communication style involves expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly and directly while still respecting the rights of others

What is Assertive style of communication?


Double Jeopardy!!!

This famous British singer, songwriter, and pianist recently had a biopic made of his life. He was knighted by the Queen of England and is one of the best selling musical artists of all time. He went through recovery, built AA/NA meetings into his tour schedule, and has also sponsored other celebrities such as Eminem.

Who is Sir Elton John? 


A state of mind where you are thankful and taking notice of the good things in your life, rather than focusing on the bad

Attitude of _________

What is gratitude ?


Double Jeopardy!!!

A healthy way of expressing what you will or won't accept. Drawing a line that cannot be crossed.

What is a boundary?


Triple Jeopardy!!!

These physical symptoms experienced after detoxification that relate to the "bodily healing" from substance abuse  

What is Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms or (PAWS)?


This communication style occurs when someone expresses their negative feelings indirectly, often through sarcasm, gossip, or subtle jabs.

What is passive-aggressive style of communication?


On December 8, six days after his 21st birthday, this rapper and singer suffered an unknown medical emergency shortly after landing at Chicago’s Midway International Airport, and was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. The Chicago rapper was known for his hit “Lucid Dreams.” 

Who is Juice WRLD ? 


Refusing to admit the truth about addiction and its consequences to ourselves. Or a river in Egypt.

What is Denial?


An event that seeks to increase a users desire to quit by confronting them. It's also the name of a tv show.

What is an Intervention?


What does the acronym HALT stand for?

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired ?


These are the 4 styles of communication

What is passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive?


This actress who is most well known for playing Princess Leia has spoken out about having bipolar disorder and was in recovery from cocaine and prescription drug abuse. She died in 2016.

Who is Carrie Fisher?


 A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique and in meditation

What is Mindfulness ?
