Addiction Facts
Stages of Change
Coping Skills
Fun Riddles

Who can experience addiction?

A. Anyone B. Only under the age of 50 C. Teens D. Only Me

A. Anyone 


Joseph has been thinking about losing weight, but he just hasn’t been able to start exercising like he used to. He has done sit-ups a few mornings during the last several weeks and has pumped up the tires on his bicycle. He has also talked to some of his friends who lift weights to see what their routines are. After lunch today, though, he took a nap instead of working out like he had planned.  What stage is Joseph in? ____________________________________



What kind of trigger includes negative emotions, positive emotions, and thoughts?

What are Internal Triggers?


Name a coping skill that releases endorphins?

What is Exercise?


I have a head and a tail but no body. What am I?

What is a Coin?


Is Addiction a Disease?

Yes The American Society Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines Addiction as a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.


Jane gets tired of everyone nagging at her to stop smoking. “Why don’t they just leave me alone” she says. It’s bad enough they have raised the price of cigarettes this year, and now she can’t even smoke in her office during the day. While she’s outside on her break she thinks, “I can’t get any work done without a cigarette. How do they expect me to finish this project on time if I have to keep coming outside to think?” What stage is Jane in? ___________________________________________



What kind of trigger includes the people, places, and things associated with drinking or using drugs?

What are External Triggers?


What does H.A.L.T stand for?

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired?  

When a drug or alcohol craving comes on, ask yourself if you feel any of these symptoms.


I'm tall when I'm young and short when I'm old. What am I?

What is a Candle?


American businesses lose how much every year due to alcohol and drug problems:

a. 500 million

b. 28 million

c. 3 billion

d. 81 billion

e. 300 billion

d. 81 billion


Marcus is proud of himself. He has gone for 2 weeks without taking a drink. He has started “hanging out” with some new friends at work who don’t drink either, and his work has improved; his boss even noticed a difference. When he threw out all the alcohol from his house a few weeks ago, he wasn’t sure his resolve would last. Even though he’s been tempted to stop by the bar during “happy hour” after work, he has instead jogged in the park every evening.

What stage is Marcus in? ____________________________________



What is the definition of a trigger?

What is feelings, experiences, people, places, and things that you associate with your drinking and/or drug use?


What is the name of the DBT tool that requires you "ride out" a feeling, thought, or urge?

What is urge surfing?


why do dad golfers take an extra pair of socks with them to golf?

in case they get a hole in one!


this type of drug is known as a sedative and causes overdoses. 1,135 overdoses occurred in 1999, and by 2019, 12,499 overdoses/death occurred due to this drug



Maria wonders if all the stuff about how caffeine can hurt your baby is true. She has been drinking five cups of coffee a day for as long as she can remember, and it hasn’t seemed to do anything to her before. Still, she hasn’t been able to sleep since she became pregnant, and now her stomach gets upset after even one cup of coffee. She saw some babies at the hospital that were really tiny, and the doctor says it’s due to caffeine. “Maybe I should consider cutting down a little,” she thinks.

What stage is Maria in? _____________________________________



This process involves self-reflection and awareness to recognize personal triggers in recovery. What is this called?

What is Trigger Identification?


True or False. “Instant Fixes” for stress exist?

What is FALSE?


What causes skin dryness the most



a serious syndrome associated with these withdrawal symptoms- sudden and severe change in mental status; fever,; hallucinations; seizures; and severe agitation; possible death-what is this called?

Delirium Tremens or DTs


Name and define all the stages of change

Precontemplation – individuals are either unconvinced that they have a problem or unwilling to consider change

Contemplation – a person is actively considering the possibility of change and evaluating options

Preparation – individuals make a commitment and initial plans to change the behavior

Action – when individuals take effective action to make the change; adopts strategies to prevent a relapse

Maintenance – individual consolidates the change and integrates into their lifestyle

Everyone goes through these stages as they are attempting to change behavior and it is natural to “recycle” or “revisit” earlier stages several times before successfully making and maintaining the change.


What kind of triggers are connected to the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell?

What are Sensory Triggers?


What does the DBT skill PLEASE stand for?

a) Patience, Mindfulness, Acknowledge, Self- awareness, Energy

b) Physical illness, Mood altering Substances, Sleep, Exercise

c) Patience, Mindfulness, Affirmation, Self awareness, Exercise

What is b) Physical illness, Mood altering Substances, Sleep, Exercise?


Paul is 6 feet, and wears a size 11 shoe. Paul works at a butcher shop. He is 27 years old. What does he weigh?

