Famous People
Addiction Terms
Addiction Facts
Addiction and Health

You can go to one of these to be with others in recovery. This can help you to remember that you can get through this. Get other people’s names and numbers to call in case of future cravings and urges.

What are AA/NA groups?


This actor/comedian who lived in the bay area struggled with addiction and substance abuse. He completed suicide in 2014.

Who is Robin Williams?


Things that can distract you from using. They help you deal with triggers. Examples: Going to the gym, watching movies, going to meetings

What are coping skills?


A major symptom when someone using cocaine enters withdrawal.

What is Anxiety?


The major organ that is directly effected the most by drug use.

What is the brain?


The name of a support group for family members of alcoholics

What is Al-Anon?


On December 8, 2019, this rapper was aboard a private Gulfstream jet flying from Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles to Midway International Airport in Chicago where officers were waiting to search the plane for drugs. The rapper died after being given 2 doses of Nar Can

Who is Juice Wrld?


Behaviors characterized by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite consequences, and a need for an increased amount of the substance, as time goes on, to achieve the same effect.

What is addiction?


Genetics, environment, early age, stress/trauma, and mental health history

What are risk factors for addiction?


The brain finishes developing once you reach this age.

What is 25?


This type of addiction is when the BODY itself feels a direct need for a drug.

What is Physical Dependency?


This author, who wrote books such as Carrie and The Green Mile struggled with alcohol and prescription drug addiction for years.

Who is Stephen King?


The need to increase the dose over time to obtain the original effect. In other words, higher doses are needed to produce the same effect experienced initially.

What is tolerance?


Complete abstinence, drug education and healthy coping skills

What are things that can decrease a person's chance of developing an addiction?


When you have both a Mental Health illness and addiction of any kind.

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What is a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis?


This type of addiction is when the MIND sends the body a message that it needs more of a drug.

What is Psychological Dependency?


This Marvel actor has struggled with alcoholism over the years.

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Who is Robert Downey Jr.?


The process by which a poison or toxin is removed from the body and generally medically supervised treatment  designed to purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.

What is detox?


The younger people use substances, the less chance they have at becoming addicted. True or false?

False. The younger one begins using the more chance they have at becoming addicted.


Parts of the body that can be affected by drug use

Name 2

Mouth, Liver, Throat, Lungs, Skin, Kidney, Bladder, Heart, and Brain?


An event that seeks to increase an alcoholic's desire to quit by confronting them. It's also the name of a tv show.

What is an Intervention?


This well-known actress has been in the spotlight since age 6. Her cocaine addiction saw her blacklisted in Hollywood at age 12. After time in and out of mental institutions, surviving a suicide attempt at age 14, and seeking legal emancipation from her mother, she later overcame her addiction to become the owner of her own production company, star in numerous films, and become a successful talk show hostess.

Who is Drew Barrymore?


A neurotransmitter in the brain that is triggered by substances and causes a repeat in behaviors?

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What is dopamine?


This country has the highest rate of addiction in the world

What is Iran?


Illnesses that can result from drug use

Pick 3

What are Hepatitis, Heart Disease, Kidney disease, Obesity, Mental Health disorders, HIV, Cancer, a Stroke, etc.
