Stages of Change
Determinants of Health
Addiction Approaches

If a person calls into AFM to say they would like to join a support group for an alcohol addiction - what stage of change are they in?

What is "contemplation stage"


Is one's Indigenous status is considered as a SDOH?

What is "yes" - it is considered a SDOH


True or False  Euphoria is a powerful desire to have something.

What is False


Advertisement campaigns encouraging people to not drink and drive or 'drive high' are considered what model of approach to addictions?

What is the Public Health Model


The exclusion of a person or group of people from enjoying certain rights such as social relations and politics is considered as:

a) racist

b) political marginalization

c) teamwork

What is "b"

If a person had quit their use of marijuana for 3 months, they are in what stage of change?

What is "the action stage" because less that 6-8 months


True or False.  Social Safety Network is the support network one may have in the community.

What is "true"


When stressed, which of the following is where our  stress responses are sent?

a) to adrenal glands only

b) hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis

c) to our heart and kidney's

What is "b"  the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis


Which model of addiction sees dependence as a learned behaviour that is the result of years of conditioning, modelling, and thinking about a substance?

What is the "Social Learning Model"


Sigmund Freud's theory supports which model of approach to addictions.

Psycho-dynamic model


How many stages of change are there?

What is 6 stages of change


True or False Poor housing and overcrowded housing are two factors that can increase one's risk of developing an addiction or mental health in the future.

What is True. Both of these are determinants of health that can increase a person's risk.


What are the two types of addictions?

What is 

1) Chemical addiction

2) Behavioural addiction


Which model of approach to addiction looks at the psychological, biological and relationships or social aspect of a person's life when counselling?

What is the "Biopsychosocial Model"


True or False. Type of substance used, how much and frequency a person is using of a substance, stage of addiction the person is in, are all factors that the brain will respond to in an addiction,

What is 'True"


A person has no interest in getting help from anyone, even if they know they are hurting their family because of their addiction - what stage of change are they in?

What is "Pre-contemplation" 

Even though they know it is causing harm, they are not interested


True or False  Food insecurity means that the person's food is being eaten by relatives and it needs to be in a locked facility. 

What is "false"

Food insecurity relates to the ability of one to access affordable, healthy foods in order to ensure they meet their basic nutritional needs.


When one returns to their addictive behaviour, what is this called?

What is 'relapse'

Providing support groups for those referred to an addictions program is considered what form of prevention program- primary, secondary or tertiary prevention program?
What is secondary prevention program

The following acronym CNS stands for what?

What is Central Nervous System

A person has shown for the weekly AA meetings for the past four weeks, but has stopped coming to them now and has started using the substance again- what stage of change are they in?

What is "relapse" stage

True or False

The higher one's income, the greater their health outcome.

What is "true"


When someone has two or more diagnosed medical problems in addition to and addiction, what is this called?


Can also be called co-occuring or concurrent


What is the model of approach sees substance use as both a medical issue and legal issue, and tries to help remove some of the shame some may have when they are living with an addiction.

What is the "Disease Model" approach


CBT stands for what?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - an approach used to help those who are going through addiction recovery and mental health healing.
