A prayer/mantra I can say when I am struggling with acceptance/control.
(45-120 days):
- Emotional: Loneliness, frustration, lack of motivation.
- Behavioral: Low energy, return to old habits, isolation.
What is the Wall Stage?
Setting time or moments aside to take care of your physical and mental health on a daily basis so that you can feel and preform your best.
What is Self Care?
To fall back into a previous condition, especially after a partial recovery from an illness.
What is relapse?
We admitted that we were powerless over addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable.
What is step one of Narcotics Anonymous?
I am "baffling, cunning, and powerful."
What is my disease?
(120-180 days):
Cognitive: Reevaluating relationships, life satisfaction.
Behavioral: Job dissatisfaction, discomfort in social situations.
What is the Adjustment stage?
First, you experience emotional difficulties, and so you might withdrawal from others and bottle up your emotions. When you notice this happening, it is a sign to connect with others and share your emotions. This can help keep you from progressing to the next stage of relapse.
What is Emotional Relapse?
Return to old behaviors.
Discontinuing of recovery program/structure.
Avoidance or isolation.
What are relapse warning signs?
April 10th, 1939.
When was the BIG book written/published?
What is post-acute withdrawal syndrome/symptoms?
(180+ days):
Cognitive: Insight into underlying problems, minimizing past damage.
Emotional: Struggling with lifelong addiction concept, emotional control.
Recovery commitment declines.
What is the Resolution Stage?
The second stage involves consciously thinking about using drugs or alcohol again. When you notice yourself having such thoughts, therapy is very important. In therapy, you can identify risky situations in which you are likely to relapse. Then, you and your therapist can develop strategies for avoiding or coping in these situations.
What is Mental Relapse?
I'm something you can use in case of an emergency, when you are triggered, having cravings, or feel the urge to use.
What is a relapse prevention plan?
Dr. Paul O. wrote a story that has been included in the story section of the Big Book. He talks of a concept that was the answer to all his problems. What is the concept?
What is acceptance?
When you feel like using, you should ask yourself whether you are H.A.L.T. What does this stand for?
What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired?
(15-45 days):
Emotional: Intense feelings, mood swings, “Pink Cloud” effect.
What is the Honeymoon stage?
The third stage is where you actually use substances again. Even though you may feel disappointed for relapsing, it is never too late to get yourself back on the road of recovery. Recovery is a long-term process with ups and downs.
What is Physical Relapse?
SMART goals are goals that are...
What is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Oriented?
"An addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live."
What is the message/promise/motto of NA?
"A primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry." -American Society of Addiction Medicine.
What is addiction/What is Substance Use Disorder?
Cognitive: Confusion, memory issues, irritability, anxiety, depression.
Emotional: Extreme highs/lows, pessimism, cravings.
Behavioral: Low energy, insomnia, difficulty concentrating.
Relationships: Mutual hostility, lack of trust.
What is the Withdrawal Stage?
Self-care in recovery is about treating oneself with K_______, C_______, and R_______
"I’m back in control."
"I deserve this."
"I’ll be able to stop when I want to."
"I can have just one/ I can use just once."
are examples of ________________.
What is relapse justification?
True or False
The words "drugs" and "narcotics" appear nowhere in NA's Twelve Steps.
One of the major differences between NA and most other fellowships is that NA admits powerlessness over the disease, not the substance. In AA powerlessness is admitted over alchol; In Cocaine Anonymous, cocaine and all other drugs; but in NA "We admitted that we were powerless over our addction; that our lives had become unmanageable." To many this is just a matter of semantics, but for others this can be a powerful distinction.