Nursing Care
Substance Abuse

You note that Sam's last drink was 24 hours ago.  He shows evidence of tremors, he is sweaty, he is weak, and he is complaining of GI symptoms.  What does the nurse recognize these symptoms as?  

Alcohol Withdrawal


To help a patient with their safe withdrawal from alcohol, the nurse can expect the doctor to place orders for what medication?

Ativan or Librium


When a patient arrives to the outpatient treatment facility intoxicated; however, the patient states that he is not intoxicate, she recognizes that the client is exhibiting symptoms of what?



A client is admitted for treatment of their substance abuse problems.  The family states that they are blaming themselves for the client's problems.  The nurse knows that this is a sign that the family could be showing signs of what?



What is the best course of action for the nurse to do, when she has noticed that a coworker has been coming into work with messy hair, her movements seem to be uncoordinated, and her breath smells like she has been drinking mouthwash?  

Notify her supervisor to report the nurse's behavior, as this may be a sign that the nurse is intoxicated.  

What will be an important educational point to tell the patient that will be taking disulfiram (Antabuse) after they leave the alcohol treatment program?  

"Drinking any alcohol while taking Antabuse can cause very dangerous symptoms"


Who would the nurse call if she suspected that a coworker was self-administering a patient's Valium?

She would call her manager. 


The nurse is collecting assessment data from a patient. The nurse finds that the patient is at risk for a substance abuse disorder because of what family characteristic?

Family (parent) has a hx of alcoholism. 


The nurse is admitting a patient into the substance abuse program.  She recognizes the client as this being the second time in 6 months that she has been admitted for alcohol abuse.  She tells the nurse, "I am so very ashamed that I am back here."  What is the appropriate response that the nurse should communicate?

"Tell me what has happened since your last admission."


The patient that is following the 12-step program for recovery will have to be consistent with the teaching which includes that they do what, in order to have a successful recovery with drinking alcohol?

Abstain from all substances


The nurse notes that a patient with a long history of consuming alcohol has an enlarged __________.

Enlarged Liver


What is the antidote to treat an inhalant toxicity?

There is no antidote.


What should the nurse be monitoring on the patient who comes into the ER with an overdose of a central nervous system (CNS) Depressant?

Their respiratory status/function


A nurse is teaching a community health class about the dangers of inhalants.  What should the nurse tell the class about what can happen to an individual if they abuse inhalants?

Sudden death from cardiac or respiratory depression 


Can a nurse get her license back after she has completed rehabilitation from the misappropriation of medications at work?

In most cases. 


When a mom calls her son, who suffers from alcohol abuse, every night to make sure he got home safely, is considered to be an example of what type of behavior?



Why should a patient read the labels off of products while taking disulfiram (Antabuse)?

They could have a severe reaction if they consume alcohol while taking disulfiram (Antabuse)


While collecting assessment data, the nurse will note that the patient has dilated pupils and hypertension.  He notes that these symptoms are a sign that the patient is abusing what?



If a nurse has been assigned to teach a substance abuse prevention program, would it be best to teach a high school class about the prevention of substance abuse?  Or would it be better to teach elementary children?

It would be best to teach high school students.


The nurse notes that at what age does the early course of alcoholism typically begin?

Between 12 - 17 years.


If a client who abuses alcohol, states to you, "there are way too many people in my family who abuse alcohol, and I am going to continue to abuse alcohol because there is nothing that can be done about it."  Your response should be what?

"Alcohol problems can occur in families, but you can decide to take the steps to stay sober if you want to."  


This medication will meet the physical needs for opiates without having cravings for more.



The stimulation of what neurochemicals, influences the likely cause of substance abuse?

Dopamine pathways in the brain


A nurse notes that when a family has multiple codependency traits, this is labeled what?



"Crashing" can lead to what types of feelings?

Feelings of depression and dysphoria
