This is a slang term for the drug GHB or Rohypnol.
What is "the date rape drug"?
What is addiction?
Alcohol, hallucinogens, and stimulant drugs-like cocaine and methamphetamine, produce the most dangerous physical withdrawal. True or False?
False....Alcohol, Opiates, and Sedatives/Benzos.
To fall back into a previous condition, especially after a partial recovery.
What is "Relapse"?
Name 3 support groups or meetings that an individual can attend that focus on substance abuse.
AA, NA, Alanon, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery
Marijuana is NOT addictive. True or False?
False-Marijuana is addictive, especially psychologically.
Using more of the drug to get the same result is called this....
Name 2 physical withdrawal symptoms.
Varies....counselor judgement.
What are the 3 main, mostly named, external triggers?
People, places, and things.
Next to alcohol, this is the substance most frequently found in the bodies of drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents.
What is marijuana?
Is Nicotine- the highly addictive drug found in tobacco- a depressant, a stimulant, or a hallucinogen?
Nicotine is a stimulant. It doesn't relax you, it speeds you up.
When a person doesn't believe they have a problem with a substance or doesn't admit to using a substance as often as they do, they are thought to be in this....
What is Denial?
Name 3 emotional/mental withdrawal symptoms.
Varies...counselor judgement.
What is a thought or feeling that can create a craving to get high or drink?
Internal trigger.
What are the 2 different types of substance dependence?
Physical and physiological
Prescription drugs kill more people than illegal drugs. True or False?
True. Currently prescription drug overdose has become a national epidemic, killing over 72 THOUSAND people in 2017. Drug overdoses are the leading causes of death in people under the age of 55.
This is the pleasure chemical in our brains that play a major role in substance abuse in addiction.
What is Dopamine?
What does PAWS stand for?
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.
What does HALT stand for? Why is it bad in recovery?
Hungry Angry Lonely Tired; Varies...counselor judgement.
What is The Serenity Prayer?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
What percentage of Americans with a substance abuse problem started smoking, drinking, or using other drugs before the age of 18?
When is a newly-sober person the most vulnerable to relapse? And why?
Within the first year, due to symptoms of PAWS.
Name 5 reasons someone may relapse.
Varies...counselor judgement.
Group sessions are more powerful than individual sessions in treatment settings. True or False?