when addie first created "heyyy kevinn", what movie was she referring to?
Hotel Transylvania
"The Secret of Life" by PlaysWithSquirrels
Boy Meets World
who gave addie her first headband?
golden hour or blue hour?
Golden hour
polka dot tap dance
Teen Beach Movie
when addie got in trouble for carving into the kitchen table with a mini screwdriver, what letters did she write?
monkey lamp
Gilmore Girls
favorite commercial
charmin ultrasoft where the dad is goin crazy cause its so soft
books or movies?
polytechnic in favor of fictitious life forms
Monsters University
when addie got moved three times for "talking", what class was she in + what grade?
bonus points if you can name the teacher
- 7th grade
- Math
- Ms.Peterson
always and forever
the vampire diaries
name the three main characters of Meowth Mania and their form of transportation
- Mickey: [after __ has just thrown ketchup at him] you know what? Ketchup is GOOD for you! It exfoliates the skin, so who's the real victim here? YOU ARE!
-I want a flying pony.
-I want a flying pony, too, but they don't exist.
-Then I want a regular pony. And I want to name him Nelson.
Just Go With It
The Outsiders
what was addie's algebra 1 EOC score?
Good Luck Charlie
what was addie's favorite show as a little girl?
Dragon Tales
- 1980
Racing elephants vigorously escape, navigating grassy expanses. Observers follow, tracking herds eagerly, sensing impending thundering hooves.
Revenge of the Sith
when addie ran outside on mothers day a few years ago, why did she trip and scrape her ____?
bonus: does she have a scar?
- she tripped on her crocs
- ya on her knee
how did addie lose her first tooth?
a) eating a hot dog
b) playing with papaw
- Ben Sandwich: Hey, Schneider. Listen, maybe you can give me a little something to play off today, okay? Huh? You dead person. You silent freak. You know, I am so sick and tired of carrying this show.
Schneider: I'm sorry, Mr. Sandwich, please don't be upset with me. I need this job so I can pay for college and get an education.
Ben Sandwich: [laughs] An education? Son, listen. This show goes four years, they'll give you an honorary degree. You'll be Doctor Creepy Weirdo.
And Then There Was Shawn