3.14 + 5.12 =
What is 8.26?
20.8 - 7.34=
What is 13.46?
12.46 + 3.8=
What does "sum" mean?
The answer to an addition problem.
When adding and subtracting decimals, you always put the longer number on top.
34.63 - 27.9=
What is 6.73?
4.5 - 3.79=
What is 0.71?
When you see "difference" in a word problem, what operation should you do?When you see "difference," what math operation should you do?
subtract or subtraction
When adding and subtracting decimals, you ignore the decimal points.
3 + 4.55=
What is 7.55?
150- 0.48=
What is 149.52?
79.38 - 9.19=
What is 70.19?
When you see "how many more" in a word problem, what operation should you do"
subtract or subtraction
When adding and subtracting decimals you put the bigger number on top.
17.82 + 3.66=
What is 21.48?
6 - 2.33=
What is 3.67?
12.13 + .9=
What is 13.03?
When you see "in all" in a word problem, what math operation should you do?
add or addition
When adding and subtracting decimals, you count how many numbers are behind the decimals in the problem and put that in your answer.
11.7 + 2.81=
What is 14.51?
1124.09 - 567.87=
What is 556.22?
10.21 - 5.6=
What is 4.61?
add or addition