This is the most common use of decimals in America.
What is money?
36.54 + 2.35
Every time you purchase goods, you use decimals using this.
What is money?
The first step when adding decimals is
What is line up the decimals?
54.2 + 5.43
There are 216.6 of these from Cooper City to Orlando.
What is miles.
This is the direction you move to add decimals.
What is right to left?
34.36 + 10.32
In the Tokyo Olympics the gold medal for the 100 meter dash was won by this decimal unit of 9.8.
What is seconds? Time?
This is how you create enough place values to add 3.2 to 4.359.
What is add a zero?
32.34 + 53.25
Using the scale in the produce section of the grocery store, we use decimals in this way.
What is weight?
This is what adding a zero after the last place following the decimal point does to the value of a number.
What is nothing
63.25 + 32.1 + 3.26
We compare these decimals in our daily life when filling our cars with gas.
What is gas prices and gallons pumped?