Representing Decimals
Write the decimal thirteen hundredths in standard form
What is 0.13
17 x .25
What is 4.25?
Estimate using rounding to nearest whole number. 38.23 + 11.84
What is 38 + 12 = 51
What is 14.4?
Estimate using Rounding to the nearest whole number. 75.38 + 22.04
What is 75. + 22 = 97
17.01 x 3
What is 51.03?
Estimate using rounding to the nearest whole number. 31.29 + 58.07
What is 31. + 58 = 89
14.4 x 0.21
What is 3.024?
Estimate using rounding to the nearest whole number 12.045 + 11.81 + 12.3 + 11.56
What is 12. + 12. + 12. + 12. = 48
16 x .3 x.02
What is 0.096?
Estimate using rounding to the nearest whole number. 6.45 + 5.88 + 5.61 + 6.03
What is 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24