Write the decimal thirteen hundredths in standard form
What is 0.13
Estimate using rounding. 38.23 + 11.84
What is 38 + 12 = 51
Add the decimals 43.28 + 31.45
What is 74.73
Write six and five tenths in standard form
What is 6.5
Estimate using Rounding. 75.38 + 22.04
What is 75. + 22 = 97
Add the decimals 0.72 + 6.45
What is 7.17
Write 8.05 in word form
What is eight and five hundredths
Estimate using Front-End Estimation 31.29 + 58.07
What is 31. + 58 = 89
Add the Decimals 1.32 + 0.08
What is 1.40
Write two and twenty-one thousandths in standard form
What is 2.021
Estimate using clustering 12.045 + 11.81 + 12.3 + 11.56
What is 12. + 12. + 12. + 12. = 48
Subtract the decimals 148.93 - 121.36
What is 27.57
Write one and nine hundredths in standard form and expanded form
What is 1.09 and (1x1) + (0x0.1) + (9x0.01)
Estimate using clustering. 6.45 + 5.88 + 5.61 + 6.03
What is 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24
Subtract the decimals 248 - 131.48
What is 116.72