Adding Fractions
7.51 + |22.08|
What is 29.59
Double Jeopardy!!!! How can you know what sign will be for the SUM of a negative and a positive number?
The answer will have the same sign as the number with the greatest absolute value.
-41.90 + 22
What is -19.90
|3 1/4| + 7 3/4
What is 11
14 1/7 - ( -3 3/14)
What is 17 5/14
|-117.4| + |8.93|
What is 126.33
What has to be done before you can add or subtract fractions?
What is make the denominators the same (common denominators)
-12 7/8 + (-2 1/2)
What is - 15 3/8
-5 3/6 - ( -10 2/3)
What is 5 1/6