Addition Property
Multiplication Property
Mix It Up!

This property states that any number added to zero remains the same number.

What is the Identity Property of Addition or the Addition Property of Zero.


Name the property being used: 4 + 0 = 4

What is the Identity Property or Addition Property of Zero?


In an addition problem, this is the name of the numbers that are added together to find a sum.

What is an addend?


Name the property being used: 4 ᐧ 1 = 4

What is the Identity Property of Multiplication or the Multiplication Property of One


Give an example of the Identity Property of Addition, otherwise called the Addition Property of Zero.

teacher check


This property states that factors can be grouped differently and the product remains the same.

What is the Associative Property of Multiplication?


Name the property being used:

(3 + 4) + 1 = 3 + (4 + 1)

What is the Associative Property of Addition?


In a multiplication problem, this is the name of the numbers that are multplied together to find a product.

What are factors?


Name the property being used: 0 ᐧ 9 = 0

What is the Multiplication Property of Zero?


Give an example of the Commutative Property of Multiplication.

teacher check


This property states that any number multiplied by 1 remains the same number.

What is the Identity Property of Multiplication or the Multiplication Property of One?


Name the property being used and simplify the expressions on both sides of the equation:

12 + (5 + 8) = (12 + 5) + 8

What is the Associative Property of Addition? 

12 + 13 = 17 + 8

25 = 25


The answer to an addition problem.

What is the sum?


Name the property:

7 ᐧ 4 = 4 ᐧ 7

What is the Commutative Property of Multiplication?

 28 = 28


The property of multiplication that states that the product of 1 and any number is that number.

What is the Identity Property of Multiplication or the Multiplication Property of 1.


This roperty states that numbers can be added in any order and the sum remains the same.

What is the Commutative Property of Addition?


Name the property being used, give the missing number, and simplify the expressions on both sides of the equation.

7 + ____ = 4 + 7

What is the Communative Property of Addition?

4 is the missing number:

7 + 4 = 4 + 7

11 = 11


The answer of a multiplication problem.

What is the product?


Name the property and find the missing number: (3 ᐧ 2) ᐧ 5 = 3 ᐧ (___ ᐧ 5)

What is the Associative Property; 

2 is the missing number: (3 ᐧ 2) ᐧ 5 = 3 ᐧ (2 ᐧ 5)


This property of multiplication states that the product of 0 and any number is zero.

What is The Multiplication Property of Zzero?


This property states that the product of any number and zero will be zero.

What is the Multiplication Property of Zero?


Name the property being used, find the missing number, and evaluate the expressions on both sides of the equation:

____ + 15 = 15

What is the Identity Property of Addition or the Addition Property of Zer?

0 is the missing number 

0 + 15 = 15

15 = 15


Write the phrase as an equation and name the property used:

Twice the product of three and four equals the product of two and three, quadrupled.

2 ᐧ (3 ᐧ 4) = (2 ᐧ 3) ᐧ 4

What is the Associate Property of Mutiplication?


Name the property and find the missing number:

5 ᐧ  ____ = 5

What is the Identity Property of Multiplication or the Multiplication Property of One.

1 is the missing number: 5 ᐧ 1 = 5


Write the phrase as an equation and name the property used:

The sum of three and four equals four increased by three.

3 + 4 = 4 + 3

What is the Commutatibe Property of Addition?
