Round these decimals to the nearest whole number:
18.5, 9.4, 25.6
19, 9, 26
Estimate this equation to the nearest whole number, show work and answer:
1890.4 + 8.00
1890 + 8 = 1898
Add these decimals together and show your work:
8.98 + 7.60 = ?
Subtract these decimals and show your work:
17.99 - 7.99 = ?
10.00 or 10
Mr. Wong has $1400.1 in savings. He went out to buy a cat tree worth $1300.1, how much money does Mr. Wong have now? (Show equation, work and math sentence)
1400.1 - 1300.1 = 100
Mr. Wong will have $100 left.
Round these decimals to the nearest tenth:
10.85, 25.62, 8.51
10.9, 25.6, 8.5
Estimate this equation by rounding to the nearest whole number, show work and answer:
3.66 + 4.04 = ?
4 + 4 = 8
Add these decimals together and show your work:
34.56 + 12.34 = ?
46.90 or 46.9
Subtract these decimals and show your work:
98.76 - 54.32 = ?
Peach the cat was building cat trees in her backyard. The first cat tree that she built was 209.18cm. The second cat tree she built measured 265.29 cm. What is the total length of the two cat trees in cm? (Show equation, work and math sentence)
209.18 + 265.29 = 474.47
The total length of the two cat tress is 474.47cm
Round each decimal to the nearest tenth:
0.77, 0.13, 0.07
0.8, 0.1, 0.1
Estimate this equation by rounding, show work and answer:
0.92 - 0.7 = ?
1 - 1 = 0
Add these decimals together and show your work:
67.89 + 123.45 = ?
Subtract these decimals and show your work:
145.67 - 23.45 =?
Mikko the cat saved 1458.90 cat kibbles to eat at a later time. He finally got hungry so he ate 36.25 cat kibbles for brunch. How many cat kibbles will he have left after eating brunch? (Show equation, work and math sentence)
1458.90 - 36.25 = 1422.65
Mikko will have 1422.65 cat kibbles left to eat.
Round each decimal to the nearest whole number:
12.4, 129.8, 87.78
12, 130, 88
Estimate this equation by rounding, show work and answer:
13.98 + 0.99 = ?
14 + 1 = 15
Add these decimals together and show your work:
78.21 + 45.67 + 123.45 + 67.89 = ?
Subtract these decimals and show your work:
145.67 - 23.45 - 98.76 = ?
Mikko and Peach love Tiki cat food. They want to buy a whole case which has 24 cans in it. Their favourite cans cost $3.59. They decided to get 24 cans. How much money do they need to get the whole case of Tiki Cat food? (Show equation, work and math sentence)
3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 + 3.59 = $86.16
Mikko and Peach need $86.16 to purchase a whole case of Tiki Cat food.
Round each decimal to the nearest tenth and then to the whole number:
589.95, 1817.34, 999.99
591 or 590, 1817, 1000
89.98 + 61.2 + 777.77 + 71.85 - 1000 = ?
90 + 61 + 778 + 72 - 1000 = 1
Add these decimals together and show your work:
78.21 + 45.67 + 123.45 + 67.89 + 34.56 + 12.34 = ?
Subtract these decimals and show your work:
589.27 - 145.67 - 98.76 - 23.32 - 54.32 - 265.20 = ?
Peach and Mikko decided they wanted to build a cat fortress in their living room. In total, they have $5289.67 to spend on their cat fortress. They buy a cat tree that is worth $289.52. They decide they need more cat trees so they buy two more, one is worth $3598.10 and the other one is worth $401.10. Lastly, they needed some blankets so they bought $990.95 worth. How much money do they have left? (Show equation, work and math sentence)
(-) or (+) and (-)
5289.67 - 289.52 - 3598.10 - 401.10 - 990.95 = 10
Mikko and Peach have $10 dollars left after buying all the items for their cat fortress.