One jigsaw puzzle has 357 pieces. Another puzzle has 275 pieces. How many pieces are there altogether.
What is 632
Add these numbers using word form 346 + 446
What is 3H+4T+6O 4H+4T+6O Without regrouping:7H+8T+12O with regrouping: = 7H+9T+2O
564 + 12
What is 576?
543 + 421
What is 964?
The table show the number of phone calls Marco made during the summer.
Marco’s Phone Calls
June July August September
319 281 479 264
How many phone calls did Marco make in July and August together?
What is 760?
Alyssa grew 16 turnips and 18 watermelons. Nancy grew 11 turnips. How many turnips did they grow in all?
What is 27 turnips.
246 + 24
What is 270?
643 + 621
What is 1,264?
Flo Rae traveled 165 miles to see her aunt in Dripping Springs. Then she traveled another 17 miles to see her uncle in Green Valley. How many miles did she travel in all?
What is 182 miles?
246 students went skating on Wednesday. 592 students went skating on Friday. On Thursday, 234 students wen to the arcade. How many students went skating in all?
What is 838 students went skating in all.
444 + 89
What is 533?
824 + 681
What is 1,505?
Vern’s penny jar has 583 pennies in it. His brother gives him another 329 pennies, and Vern puts them in the jar. How many pennies are now in the jar?
What is 912?
Three hundred forty-two people went to the Fall Fair on Friday. Four hundred ninety-five people went on Saturday. How many people went to the Fall Fair on these two days?
What is eight hundred thirty seven people went to the Fall Fair on these two days.
528 + 375 Show by drawing base 10 blocks
What is 903
896 + 11
What is 907?
649 + 462
What is 1,111?
A pony weighs 217 pounds. The pony’s mother weighs 705 pounds more than the pony. How much does the pony’s mother weigh?
What is 922 pounds?
Patsi's Girl Guide group collects pop can tabs. The group collected 45 tabs last year and 440 tabs this year. How many tabs did the group collect in the two years?
What is 485?
197 + 286 Show in word format/pull apart
What is 483
999 + 99
What is 1,098?
473 + 288
What is 761?
The table shows the number of books checked out from the media center at Roosevelt School.
Number of Books checked Out from Media Center
January February March April
476 387 489 423
How many books were checked out from January and February?
What is 863?