What is the double of 450 000?
900 000
399 + 99
540 + 70
€135,72 + €205
This number is the difference bewteen 965 000 and 199 000.
766 000
What is the half of 7 000?
3 500
299 999 + 199 999
499 998
35 500 + 40 500
76 000
2,6km + 0,25km
2,85km or 2 km 850m
My number is the double of the sum of 135 000 and
65 000.
400 000
What is the double of 2 groups of ten thousand and one group of a thousand?
42 000
131 000 - 69 000
62 000
99 000 - 25 000 - 5 000
69 000
15,3m - 0,4m
14,9m or 14m and 90cm
Which number is half of the sum of 6 groups of 100 000?
300 000
What is the half of 89 000?
44 500
65 999 + 100 999
166 998
706 000 + 33 000 + 1 500
740 500
4,06kg + 0,3kg
4,36kg or 4kg and 360g
My number is an odd number bigger than 273 910 and smaller than 273 912.
273 911
What is the half of 655 000?
327 500
259 000 - 131 000 - 89 000
39 000
150 000 - 9 999 - 5 999
134 002
345,5l - 2 500ml
343 liters or 343 000ml
This number is the difference between the biggest number you can make and the smallest you can make using these numbers...
4 3 7