Safety Practices

Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE

Identifying what has triggered a behavior can often help in selecting the best approach to deal with it. 




It is okay to argue with a resident when they are insisted that their loved one is still alive.



What are 2 things that could potentially INCREASE behaviors or emotional responses from residents?

Rushing through a task

Poor communication (body language and non-verbal's)

Elder Talk (talking to the resident as if they were a child, terms like "honey" or "sweetheart"

Over stimulating environments


Your resident states that she has lost her keys, and thinks someone stole them. What should you do?

look for the keys with her and be in their reality...from there, redirect


List 2 factors that may contribute to resident behavior

 - change in environment

 - misperceived threats

 - being asked to bathe/change clothes

 - changes in staffing


Why is it important to approach a person with dementia from the front and not from behind?

As dementia progresses, residents may begin to lose, peripheral vision, and vision can be more "tunnel-like." 

Approaching from the front, maintaining eye contact allows a person to see you coming. 


What is the term used to describe the worsening of residents behaviors/symptoms of dementia in the late afternoon and evening?



What action should be taken if a resident refuses to take a bath, brush teeth, change clothes, etc. 

 - reattempt care at a later time

 - Try a different team member

 - offer redirection

 - document attempts and interventions


Which of these is an external trigger

a. The resident has a stomachache

b. Noisy environment

c. Resident is hungry

B - Noisy environment


Term for when you assist/encourage a resident in changing their focus with a goal of helping them avoid negative feelings, growing anxiety, agitation, etc.  



List 3 examples of behaviors

Agression/anger, Anxiety, Agitation, physical or verbal outbursts, restlessness, pacing, wandering, hallucinations/delusions, sundowning, changes in sleep


Mrs. Smith is in her room, and she is screaming for help. When you enter her room, she states that there is a woman behind her door and won't leave her alone. You noticed that there is a long coat behind the door. How should you respond?

Validate Mrs. Smith's words and tell her that you will remove this woman in her room, and that this woman will no longer be there. You should never say there is no one there or she is just seeing things. It is important that we validate their emotions and be in their reality.


TRUE or FALSE and....WHY??

When trying to de-escalate a situation, it is best to have multiple team members involved.


More than one or several people can be overwhelming and difficult for a resident to process. If a behaivor is already escalating, more people can be overstimulating.


What are some things we can do to minimize agitation/agression?

 - Speak calmly and slowly

 - Offer diversional activities (music, plants, coloring, taking a walk, etc)

 - Evaluate to see if the behavior has a trigger - pain, bowel/bladder, hunger, room temperature, etc. 


What is something you would say to a resident who is exhibiting agressive behavior

 - you are safe here

 - I am sorry that you are upset

 - I will check back in with you later. 

 - I will stay with you until you are feeling better


A resident in your assignment said that are not coming out to the dining room for lunch.  What do you do?

 - Allow resident to stay in their room if they are becoming increasingly distressed over the situation

 - Offer for resident to have the meal in their room

 - converse with resident, try to determine factors contributing to not wanting to go to the dining room. 
