Jimmy’s goal is to read 150 pages of his

book by Friday. He read 20 pages on

Monday and 32 pages on Tuesday. How

many more pages does he need to read

by the end of the week to reach his


98 pages


Niko has a total of 71 chickens and

goats on his farm. If he has 38 chickens,

how many goats does he have?

33 goats


**Candy Question**  

Mr. Williams sent 192 text messages last month, but

 he sent only 141 this month. How many more text

messages did he send last month?

51 messages


There are 365 days in a year. Quentin

spends 180 days in school, 17 days

camping, and the remaining days

relaxing at home. How many days does

Quentin have for relaxation?

168 days


A cooler contained 60 quarts of water

at the beginning of the day. At the end

of the day, it contained 17 quarts. How

many quarts of water were used that


43 quarts


**Candy Question!**

Sara practiced playing guitar for 20 hours in January,

for 22 hours in February, and for 19 hours in March.

How many more hours did she play

combined in February and March than in


21 hours


The snack stand sells drinks in sizes

small, medium, and large. Last night, it

sold 120 small drinks. It sold 48 more

medium drinks than small drinks. How

many small and medium drinks did it


288 drinks


Cast members voted on what flavor of

juice they wanted to serve at their cast

party; 23 members voted for apple

juice, 35 members voted for grape

juice, and 56 members voted for

orange juice. How many members of

the cast voted?

114 members


There are 967 books in the preschool

library; 420 books are softcover, and

the remaining books are hardcover. How

many books are hardcover?

547 books


There were three teams at the beach

cleanup. Team A collected 14 pounds

of trash, Team B collected 27 pounds

of trash, and Team C collected 31

pounds of trash. What was the total

weight of trash collected by all three


72 pounds


Mishka collected 25 trading cards in

August, 124 cards in September, and 37

cards in October. What is the total

number of cards he had after those 3


186 cards


At Newbury Elementary School, there

are 65 second graders, 72 third graders,

and 66 fourth graders. How many

students are in Grades 2, 3, and 4?

203 students


There are 105 high school band members; 37

students play percussion instruments, 42 play

woodwind instruments, and the remaining

participants play brass instruments. How

many students play brass instruments?

26 players


A restaurant sets up a buffet stand with

320 napkins, 205 cups, and 190

spoons. How many more napkins and

spoons are there than cups?

305 napkins than spoons


**Candy Question**

The auditorium can seat a maximum of 1,000

people. Fifteen minutes before the showtime, 875

people arrived. By showtime, another 128 people

arrived. How many people will need to stand during

the show?

3 people


There were 497 kids who bought school

lunch on Monday, but only 365 kids

bought school lunch on Tuesday. How

many more kids bought lunch on


132 kids


**Candy Question!**

There were 650 audience members at the concert;

300 members were parents, 172 members were

grandparents, and the rest were children. How many

audience members were children?

178 children


In Nolan’s garden, there are 32 tomato

plants, 17 cucumber plants, and 19

pepper plants. How many more tomato

and cucumber plants does Nolan have

than pepper plants?

30 plants


A local hardware store is having an

end-of-season sale. All rakes are now

$22, all leaf blowers are $48, and all

leaf bags are $18. What is the combined

cost of the two least expensive sale




Ben needs to save $230 to buy a new

bike. Last week, he had $156 saved. This

week, his grandmother gave him $40

for his birthday to put toward his

savings. How much more money does

he need to afford the bike?



The cafeteria serves three flavors of

smoothies: banana, berry, and mango.

Last week, they sold 132 banana

smoothies, 67 berry smoothies, and 25

mango smoothies. How many more

banana and berry smoothies did the

cafeteria sell than mango smoothies?

174 smoothies


When the Robertson family went to the beach

in the morning, it was 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

By noon, the temperature had risen 15

degrees; however, when they left the beach at

the end of the day, the temperature had fallen

6 degrees. What was the temperature at the

beach when they left?

79 degrees


Nina’s gymnastics team raised $140 at

their fundraiser. They spent $35 on

refreshments, and the remaining

money was profit. How much money

did they earn in profit?



**Candy Question**

An online pet store is selling all bags of cat food for

$39 and all bags of dog food for $45. What is the

combined cost of one bag of cat food and two

bags of dog food?



Lilly’s family kept track of how many miles

they traveled each day on their 3-week

summer road trip. During week one, they

traveled 420 miles. During week two, they

traveled 380 miles. By the end of week three,

they had traveled a total of 900 miles. How

far did they travel during week three?

100 miles
