College Affordability
Types of Degree Available/Tipos de títulos disponibles
Things to Consider before college/Cosas a considerar antes de la universidad
Important Terms/Términos importantes
Important Concepts/Conceptos importantes

This office helps students apply for and receive grants, student loans, scholarships, and more.

Esta oficina ayuda a los estudiantes a solicitar y recibir préstamos estudiantiles, subvenciones, becas y mas.

What is the Financial Aid Office/Oficina de Ayuda Financiera


This type of degree can be earned by attending a 2-year community college

Este tipo de título se puede obtener asistiendo a un colegio comunitario de 2 años

What is an Associates Degree/Grado Asociado


You can schedule one of these with admissions to see a college in person and decide if it is a good fit for you.

Puedes programar una de estas para ver una universidad en persona para decidir si es una opción buena para ti.

What is a college tour or visit?


This number represents your average grades for all years of study.

What is cumulative GPA? We will also accept "What is GPA"


Advice for writing a good college admissions personal essay. (more than one correct response)

Consejos para escribir un buen ensayo personal para la admisión. 

What is share details

What is write a personal story

What is show not tell


This cost pays for your classes. You can pay as a full-time student or by the credit.

Este costo paga tus clases. Pagaras como un estudiante de tiempo completo o por crédito.

What is tuition


This degree can be earned by attending a 4-year public or private institution

Este título se puede obtener asistiendo a una institución pública o privada de 4 años.

What is a Bachelor's Degree


 This is the portal to apply to most colleges

Ustedes usan este portal para aplicar a la mayoría de las universidades

What is the Common Application


This is the field or content area you plan on studying in college

Este es el área de contenido que planeas estudiar en la universidad

What is your Major


This office is your first point of contact when you have questions about a college and how to apply.

Esta oficina es tu primer contacto cuando tienes preguntas sobre una universidad y como solicitar admisión.

What is Admissions


This is the term for all costs at a college, including indirect and direct costs.

Este es el termino por todos los costs en una universidad, incluyendo costs indirectos y directos.

What is Cost of Attendance (COA)


This type of degree can be earned after completing your bachelor's degree and focuses on mastering a specific area of study

Este tipo de título se puede obtener después de completar su licenciatura y se enfoca en dominar un área específica de estudio.

What is a Masters Degree/Maestría


This type of college receives tax dollars from state residents. 

Este tipo de universidad recibe impuestos de residentes en su estado.

What are public colleges


The type of application deadline where you promise the college that if you are accepted, you will attend their college and withdraw all other applications.

La fecha limite para admisión en que prometes a la universidad que si te aceptan, asistirás a su universidad y cancelar tu otros solicitudes.

What is Early Decision


Exclusive to New York State, this allows undocumented students access to state financial aid

Exclusivo del estado de Nueva York, esto permite que los estudiantes indocumentados accedan a ayuda financiera estatal

What is the Sen. Jose S. Peralta New York State DREAM Act


This is the type of financial aid you do not have to pay back.

Este es el tipo de ayuda financiera que no tienes que devolver.

What are scholarships or grants.


This degree is the most advanced degree you can earn, symbolizing that you have become an expert in a specific area of study, or field of profession.

Este título es el más avanzado que puede obtener, lo que simboliza que ha dominado un área específica de estudio o campo de profesión.

What is a Doctoral Degree/Doctorado


Colleges say this if the applicant chooses whether to send entrance exams (SAT or ACT).

Universidades dicen eso si el aplican escoge enviar exámenes (SAT o ACT)

What is "test optional"


You need 120 of these to graduate from a 4 year college and 60 from a community college

Necesitas 120 de estos para graduarte de una universidad de 4 años y 60 de una universidad comunitaria

What are Credits or credit hours


This is the concept of learning how to properly utilize your time and balance both personal and social life as well as academics

Este es el concepto de aprender a utilizar adecuadamente su tiempo y equilibrar la vida personal y social, así como

What is Time Management


Colleges say this if they cover all costs for admitted students who cannot afford to attend.

Universidades dicen eso si cubren todos los costos para estudiantes aceptados quienes no pueden pagar. 

What is "meet 100% of need" or "full need met"


This type of program allows student to dive right into their desired area of focus and to graduate in a shorter time frame with the skills they need to succeed in the work field. It is also NOT a degree

Este tipo de programa permite a los estudiantes sumergirse directamente en su área de enfoque deseada y graduarse en un período de tiempo más corto con las habilidades que necesitan para tener éxito en el campo laboral.

What is a Certificate Program/Programa de Certificado


By requesting these, you do not have to pay to apply to some colleges

Al solicitar estos, no tiene que pagar para postularse a algunas universidades.

What are Fee Waivers/Exenciones de cuotas


This is a website you can use to research colleges that have your major and other desired features. (More than one answer is correct)

Este es un sitio de web puedes usar para investigar universidades que ofrecen tu carrera y otros aspectos deseados. (Mas que una respuesta es correcta)

What is Big Future or College Board?

What is College Greenlight or Appily?

What is a college's admissions website?


This is one of the organizations that presented to Adelante about advocacy, laws, or community values.

Este es una de las organizaciones que presento a Adelante sobre abogacía, leyes, o los valores de la comunidad. 

What is New York Immigration Coalition

What is Hudson Link

What is United We Dream (UWD)
