Where did Shirley Chisholm grow up?
A) a big city
B) Grandmother farm
B) Grandmother farm
I was famous for
Mary McLeod Bethune
Sojourner Truth
What location was Emmett Till born?
Martin Luther King Jr. became a __________when he grew up.
What did she become after college?
A teacher
I am a famous
What was Emmett's Mother name?
Mamie Till
Double Jeopardy!!!!
Before Emmett left for Mississippi, what did she gave him???
Martin Luther King Jr's birthday in what month?
What do she do now?
she teaches and gives talks all around the country
I am is famous
Wilma Rudolph
First Lady in Congress
Shirley Chisholm
What was Emmett Nickname?
True or False:
Is Martin Luther King's birthday is the same as Martin Luther King day
Double Jeopardy!!!
When is Martin Luther King Day?????
What did Shirley Chisholm work to be in 1972?
I am famous for Trading post
Jean Du Sable
I helped slaves run away
Harriet Tubman
Double Jeopardy:
What did she used to help the slave????
What was the name of the town Emmett Till visit in Mississippi?
Money, Mississippi
Double Jeopardy!!!
Where did they find Emmett Till body????
Dr. King was killed in _________
Shirley Chisholm was to first Black woman in ?????
I am famous for the Space Shuttle
Guion Bluford
I gave speeches and wrote books. My birthday a national holiday
Martin Luther King Jr.
What day was Emmitt Till kidnap for being accused of offending a white woman working in her family's grocery store
August 28
True or False
He wanted black people to be treated the same as white people