ADHD stands for....
What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
This part of the brain is responsible for "executive: functions
What is the frontal lobe?
The symptoms of ADHD
What are lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior?
The source used as reference to diagnosis ADHD
What is The Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders- 5?
What is the Special Education term for students who need school accommodations due to ADHD
What is a 504 plan?
ADHD does NOT go away over time
What is true
T/F: In patients with ADHD the ¨executive¨ functions are under-active.
What is True?
How long children should have symptoms for before being diagnosed with ADHD
What is at least six months?
T/ F ADHD can be cured by stimulant medications
What is false?
When students who have a ADHD are allowed school accommodations they are often granted ___________ when taking tests
What is Extended time for testing taking?
Most children with ADHD also have at least one other developmental or behavioral problem. When disorders occur simultaneously, it's called
What is co-morbidity
The neurotransmitter that people with ADHD have a low dose of in their brain
What is dopamine?
Examples of inattention symptoms are _______
Easily distracted Difficulty focusing Easily bored Struggles to follow instructions
drugs used as part of a treatment program to control symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
What are psychostimulants: Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Concerta, Focalin
How might a teacher seat a student to minimize distractions?
Away from the door, windows, or other possible distractions.
Reasons that girls are under-diagnosed with ADHD compared to boys....
Internalize symptoms more than boys, more inattentive type (day dreaming), Gender role expectations (people pleasing), hyperactivity appears more frequently in excessive socializing, more somatic complaints (stomachaches, headaches) problems with peer relations, etc.
heredity- genetics- family
What are the biggest cause for ADHD?
Examples of impulsivity symptoms are _______
Extreme impatience Blurting out inappropriate comments Desiring instant gratification
This is the questionnaire used to flag symptoms of ADHD and identify other underlying conditions
What is the Vanderbilt Assessment Scale?
Give an example of how a student with ADHD might be tested.
Multiple Choice
Percentage of children in United States with who are believed to have ADHD
approximately 11% according to the CDC
The inability to engage in a variety of self directed behaviors called
What are executive functions
What are executive functions?
Examples of Hyperactivity symptoms are _______
Constant fidgeting Nonstop talking,
Difficulty doing quiet activities
Trouble sitting still
Appropriate treatment of ADHD can actually reduce the risk of drug or alcohol abuse
What is true
How might a teacher intervene in disruptive behavior?
Giving the student a small cue - squeezing his or her shoulder, putting a sticky note on his or her desk, etc.