
What is ADHD?

ADHD is a condition in the brain that affects how our brains work.

It makes it hard sometimes to focus, concentrate, stay still, follow directions, or control ourselves.


Name two things (or triggers) that make it harder for you to focus or stay still.

Add points if you shared two triggers! Some kids say loud noises, talking, a change in routine, a hard problem, etc.


Practice asking for help!

Add points if you did it! (And add an extra 100 points if you said please)


Tell about some ADHD symptoms (or things that happen) when you're at home.

Do you have trouble listening to siblings or parents? How does it go for you when you try to do homework? Add points if you shared something!


You have the thought: I am bad at school. What is something more positive you can say to yourself instead?

You could say, "Well I do really well in art class!" or "I got an 80 percent on my science test" or "I can try my best!"


True or false: Kids with ADHD are not smart.

False! Many kids with ADHD are very smart.


What are some feelings that kids with ADHD might have when they're having trouble?

They might feel angry, confused, frustrated, nervous, or any number of emotions!


What kinds of things do you do when you get bored or unfocused in class?

Some kids swing their legs, jump, make noises, playing with classmates, etc.


Do you prefer to sit, stand, or be on the floor when you do your homework? How does this help you?

Add points if you shared something!


You have the thought: my mom/dad/grandma/sibling hates me. Flip that thought! What is something more positive you can say instead?

You can say "I know my mom loves me for who I am" or "I have people in my life that care about me" or "I know they get frustrated with me sometimes, but that doesn't mean they hate me."


Does everyone with ADHD have the same struggles (or symptoms)?

No! There are actually three different kinds of ADHD: hyperactive (moving a lot), inattentive (trouble paying attention), or combined (moving a lot AND trouble paying attention). And even kids with the same kind of ADHD will have different symptoms!


How do people respond to you when you are hyper, excited, energetic, or having trouble paying attention?

Add points if you shared something!


What activities can you ask for permission to do in school that can help you focus?

I can ask to go get a drink of water, do wall push ups, take a walk in the back of the classroom, etc.

How do you feel when you have to listen to someone talking or telling you what to do?

Frustrated, bored, etc.


You just got your test back and found out that you didn't do so good. What can you say to encourage yourself?

You could say, "I did my best, and that's what's important!" or "I can try different ways to study next rime" or "I can ask the teacher to explain it to me."


What are some things that you struggle with (or symptoms) because of ADHD?

Some ideas might be staying seated, sitting still, being quiet, controlling my actions, following directions, staying organized, concentrating, remembering things, etc.


How do you feel about your ADHD?

Add points if you shared something!


What kinds of things can you do in school if you get bored that do not distract others?

Doodle or sketch, make a list of things I need to do to finish my work, hold a fidget toy or object, sit on a pillow, etc.


What is something you can do to help yourself relax and focus when you have to get something done, like a chore or homework?

Add points if you shared something! Some kids say take a drink of water, do jumping jacks, hold a fidget toy or small object, picture their goals, etc.

What can you say to yourself before taking a test, going into school, or starting your homework?
I can say, "You got this!" or "Just take some deep breaths and take it one step at a time" or "I can always ask for help if I need it."

Does everyone with ADHD have to take medicine?

Nope! Some kids take medicine to help them focus, relax, stay calm or organized, etc. but not everyone does! Lots of kids go to therapy to help them learn ways to improve their abilities.


Tell about a time that you got really frustrated or angry with yourself. (Maybe something that happened at school or at home?)

Add points if you shared something!


Practice this skill: put both of your feet on the ground. Breathe in and out deeply three times (listen to the sound of your breath). Now focus on what you need to pay attention to!

Add points if you tried your best!


Let's pretend you have to do the dishes, finish your math assignment, and clean your room. How do you decide what to do first?

It can help to make a list of everything that needs to get done! Then, figure out when things are due. Also, what does your parent say? If they told you to do the dishes now, then you may want to start with that first. (;


What do you want to be when you grow up? What will you need to do to reach that goal? How can you motivate/encourage yourself now to start working hard?

Add points if you shared something!
