Identifying ADHD
Medication & Treatment
Stigma & Myths

ADHD is defined as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. With a diagnosis, a child falls under 3 main subcategories (predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/ impulsive, or combined). 

True or False? Does a child outgrow these symptoms?

Pruthi 2019


Some example symptoms such as low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and difficulty with school can lessen with age. 

Pruthi 2019


ADHD medications are stimulants, they are prescribed at a low enough dosage that they are not considered addictive, however, they have the potential to be. The effects of the medicine are short-acting and last almost a day before they leave the system.

True or False?

Taking ADHD medication puts someone at risk for developing an addiction to drugs/ alcohol.

Miller 2023 


There is no evidence of ADHD medications causing substance abuse, however, this should be on the radar of those with ADHD or those caring for someone with ADHD as they are at risk, however, stimulant medications do not increase this risk.

Miller 2023


Oftentimes when a child is diagnosed with ADHD it is because they are having difficulty in school. Typical behaviors presented include difficulty sitting still, difficulty paying attention, and blurting out.

True or false?

Children with ADHD can only focus on something for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Miller 2023

False. this is a common stigma. 

Though ADHD causes many problems with paying attention, true difficulty comes with tasks that are not particularly interesting or rewarding to a child. Children with ADHD may spend hours focused on a task they really enjoy.

Miller 2023


Anxiety often coexists with ADHD, high rates of anxiety symptoms exist in ADHD, manifesting in social, or generalized panic-like symptoms.

True or False?

Having ADHD makes a person twice as likely to also be diagnosed with a depressive disorder.

Wilens 2010


However, more recent data has shown that using a stimulant to treat ADHD decreases one's risk of developing anxiety or depressive disorders. 

Wilens 2010


ADHD is defined as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. With a diagnosis, a child falls under 3 main subcategories (predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/ impulsive, or combined). 

True or false?

A child can be diagnosed with ADHD if they present with 3 symptoms.

Pruthi 2019

False, a child needs to present with at least 6 symptoms for an accurate diagnosis. 

Symptoms of ADHD in adolescents typically present as, “inattention-difficulty sustaining attention and mental effort, forgetfulness, and distractibility; hyperactivity-fidgeting, excessive talking, and restlessness; and impulsivity-difficulty waiting for one’s turn and frequent interruption of others.”

Wilens 2010


Symptoms of ADHD in adolescents typically present as, “inattention-difficulty sustaining attention and mental effort, forgetfulness, and distractibility; hyperactivity-fidgeting, excessive talking, and restlessness; and impulsivity-difficulty waiting for one’s turn and frequent interruption of others.”

True or false? The guidelines for diagnosis included youth up to 17 years old.

Wilens 2010


The diagnosing criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) did not include youth up to 17 years of age, therefore diagnosing an older teen or adult comes with different difficulties as the process does not include these ages. 

Wilens 2010


Effective behavioral therapies for children include classroom management, parent training, and peer intervention. 

What grade is it recommended to begin managing ADHD with behavioral therapies?

A) Preschool B) Pre- k/ Kindergarten C) 1st & 2nd D) 3rd- 5th

Felt 2014

A! Preschool 

Behavioral therapies are generally recommended for preschool age children (before medications), but may still be effective for older children as well. 

Felt 2014


Though the root cause of ADHD is unknown, there are known risk factors that play into diagnosis. Including genetics, the environment, or problems with the central nervous system at key moments in development.

True or false?

Sugar can cause hyperactivity in ADHD.

Pruthi 2019

False. Though popular belief, this is a myth. 

Some factors that may contribute are premature birth, maternal drug use, genetics, and exposure to environmental toxins. 

Pruthi 2019


There are often other coexisting conditions with ADHD, including learning disabilities, and autism spectrum disorder.

True or false? 

Coexisting conditions only affect a child academically. 

Pruthi 2019


Though many coexisting conditions will affect a child academically, they are also affected socially. Other conditions that affect the social development of a child with ADHD are ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), anxiety disorder, and mood disorders. Such disorders can increase a struggle for a child's self self-esteem and friendship-making abilities. 

Pruthi 2019


ADHD treatment starts with therapy (behavioral and psychotherapies), it may be decided to prescribe a child a stimulant in addition to therapy practice. Stimulant medications work by bringing up the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, improving focus, memory, and motivation.

True or False?

Taking ADHD medication puts someone at risk of developing an addiction to drugs/ alcohol.

Miller 2023 


There is no evidence that ADHD medications cause substance abuse. When diagnosing children over 12, any present substance abuse may be masked as a symptom and is likely related to an anxiety or depressive disorder.   

Wilens 2010


To be diagnosed with ADHD, a child must not only present with symptoms, but prove the impairment such symptoms have on their life. 

How many symptoms must a person present to be diagnosed?

A)2 B)4 C)6 D)8 

Wilens 2010

C! 6. To meet the inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive criteria, a person must have 6 of the 9 possible symptoms (stated in question 1).

Wilens 2010


It is believed that reducing your child's screen time will reduce their risk of ADHD. This is currently unproven.

True or False?

There are other ways to reduce the risk for your child to have ADHD.

Pruthi 2019


Reducing your child's risk means maintaining a healthy pregnancy and avoiding harmful chemicals and toxins (alcohol, drugs, smoke, mold, and lead).

Pruthi 2019


Girls are diagnosed with ADHD at significantly lower rates than boys because girls can be more discreet about their symptoms. 

True or false?

Girls with ADHD have it less severe than boys.

Wilens 2010

False, this a myth.

Boys and girls both struggle with ADHD at similar rates. It is however more prevalent for girls to be diagnosed under the inattentive category, feeding into this myth.

Wilens 2010


Cognitive development for children with undiagnosed ADHD is at risk for not being on track as many children then face self esteem and acceptance issues. 

True or False?

Lack of acceptance for a child with ADHD comes from students and adults.

Pruthi 2019


 If a child is struggling in school for these reasons, oftentimes judgment is perceived by that child from their peers, and surrounding adults (including teachers and parents).

Pruthi 2019


Oftentimes when a child is diagnosed with ADHD it is because they are having difficulty in school. Typical behaviors presented include difficulty sitting still, difficulty paying attention, and blurting out. It is a common misconception that children with ADHD cannot focus on something for over 3 minutes, when in reality they may focus for a long period on something particularly interesting to them. 

True or false?

Research has shown that the prefrontal cortex of children with ADHD develops at a slower pace.

Miller 2023

True, the prefrontal cortex is responsible for executive function, and regulation of thoughts and actions. Thus, students/ children with ADHD may struggle more when it comes to time management, keeping organized, planning, memorization, completing tasks, waiting their turn, problem-solving with peers, and staying seated during class.

Miller 2023


New symptoms of ADHD are unlikely to present in someone older than age 12, however, it is possible because of increased academic demands, or simply because symptoms were too subtle to be recognized at a younger age.

Which symptoms below can mimic ADHD symptoms and may be mistaken during a diagnosis?

  1. Learning disabilities

  2. Sleep problems

  3. Substance abuse

  4. All of the above

Felt 2014

4, all of the above. Because these symptoms may be prevalent in a child, or teen, does not mean they are affected by ADHD. That is why it is important during the diagnosis process of a child to have input from supervisory adults like teachers. 

Felt 2014


Stimulant medications work by bringing up the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is responsible for pleasure, and motivation; overall affecting focus, mood, memory, and learning. Norepinephrine is responsible for attention, cognitive function, and reaction to stress.

True or false? Changing the dosage of the stimulant medication can change its effectiveness.

Boorady 2023

True, this varies by person.  

The goal of medication is to reduce ADHD symptoms, with the least amount of side effects. Obtaining a dosage that is right for the child may result in worsening behaviors resulting from ADHD.

Boorady 2023


ADHD diagnosis has increased over time, however there is debate amongst cultures whether ADHD symptoms are more largely personality traits. 

True or false? 

ADHD is overdiagnosed?

Wilens 2010

False, this is a myth. 

Diagnosis may seem more common if resources are being distributed correctly, however, ADHD only affects about 4%- 12% of school-age children worldwide. 

Wilens 2010


ADHD traits are related to executive function, and the prefrontal cortex is pertinent to these functions. Research has shown that the prefrontal cortex of children with ADHD develops at a slower pace, affecting working memory, social/ emotional development, and problem-solving.

List 3 skills a child might have difficulty with due to disrupted EF from an ADHD diagnosis.

Miller 2023

Time management, keeping organized, planning, memorization, completing tasks, waiting their turn, problem-solving with peers, staying seated during class, etc. 

Miller 2023


ADHD always coexists with another condition, this may be a learning disability, ASD, or anxiety and depressive disorders. Such conditions will affect the cognitive development of a child with ADHD. 

Which of the following may be affected during development?

A)Academics B)Prosocial behaviors C) Self- esteem D) All of the above

Wilens 2010

D) All of the above. If a child is struggling academically from these conditions/ symptoms, they may then face judgment from peers and teachers, and find it more difficult to maintain friendships. 

Pruthi 2019
