What is an adjective?
A word that modifies a noun or pronoun.
Identify the adjective and the word it modifies.
Patricia’s cookies smelled delicious.
Adjective- Patricia’s
Word Modified- cookies
Identify the subject, linking verb, and predicate adjective.
Tamika was exhausted after the track meet.
Subject- Tamika
Linking Verb- was
Predicate Adjective- exhausted
Identity the underlined word as a noun, pronoun or adjective.
Micah cheerfully ate his slice of pizza.
Identify the underlined word as Objective Complement, Predicate Nominative, or Predicate Adjective.
We found the noise ridiculously annoying.
Objective Complement
What questions does an adjective answer?
What kind? Which one? How many? How much? Whose?
Identify the adjective and the word it modifies.
His paper is shorter than yours.
Adjective- His
Word Modified- paper
Identify the subject, linking verb, and predicate adjective.
The bride looked beautiful at the wedding alter.
Subject- bride
Linking Verb- looked
Predicate Adjective- beautiful
Identity the underlined word as a noun, pronoun or adjective.
Of all the paintings that were on display, those were the most extravagant.
Identify the underlined word as Objective Complement, Predicate Nominative, or Predicate Adjective.
The candle wax grew soft and pliable from the small flame.
Predicate Adjective
What is the adjective in the sentence:
Abraham Lincoln was honest.
Identify the adjective and the word it modifies.
This necklace is my favorite.
Adjective- This
Modified Word- necklace
Identify the subject, linking verb, and predicate adjective.
Shawn and Maya were excited at the possibility of a three-week vacation.
Subject- Shawn, Maya
Linking Verb- were
Predicate Adjective- excited
Identity the underlined word as a noun, pronoun or adjective
I told everyone that today is my mom‘s birthday.
Identify the underlined word as Objective Complement, Predicate Nominative, or Predicate Adjective.
The weather was ideal for the outdoor baptismal service.
Predicate Adjective
A participle is a verb form used as an adjective. What is the participle in the sentence?
The burnt toast tasted bitter.
Identify the adjective and the word it modifies.
What name did you tell the receptionist?
Adjective- What
Modified Word- name
Identify the subject, linking verb, and predicate adjective.
Jonathan’s job seems easy but is rather difficult.
Subject- job
Linking Verb- seems, is
Predicate Adjective- easy, difficult
Identity the underlined word as a noun, pronoun or adjective
The chameleon’s color changed several times throughout the day.
Identify the underlined word as Objective Complement, Predicate Nominative, or Predicate Adjective.
blueberry pancakes are dad‘s favorite breakfast.
Predicate Nominative
An infinitive is a verb form that may be used as an adjective. What is the infinitive in the sentence?
The assignments to do are on my desk.
To do
to do modifies assignments.
Identify the adjective and the word it modifies.
Which spoon did you use to scoop the ice cream?
Adjective- Which
Modified Word- spoon
Identify the subject, linking verb, and predicate adjective.
The homemade biscuits at breakfast appeared and tasted scrumptious.
Subject- biscuits
Linking Verb- appeared, tasted
Predicate Adjective- scrumptious
Identity the underlined word as a noun, pronoun or adjective
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 5:3
Identify the underlined word as Objective Complement, Predicate Nominative, or Predicate Adjective.
My grandfather‘s many antique clocks became heirlooms for his grandchildren.
Predicate Nominative