Sweater Weather
What is a song by The Neighborhood?
How many members in ADK7?
The most abundant block
What is Stone?
What is One Piece?
i feel like chet
What is a song by Mxmtoon?
Guy who created minecraft
Who is Notch?
He was the chosen one, meant to destroy the Sith not join them
Someone who Wants to Hangout!
Who is Uzaki-chan?
Killer Queen
What is a song by Queen?
Spring 2018
What is the beginning of "The Golden Age of ADK7"?
30million metres x 30million metres x 256 metres
What are the world dimensions?
What is the chance of defeating Thanos?
Sometimes he goes by Hideki Ryuga
what is one of "L"'s secret identities in Death Note?
John, George, Paul, and Ringo
What is The Beatles?
Advanced Killers 7
What does ADK7 stand for?
Ore as rare as diamonds
What is Lapis?
1.21 gigawatts
What was the amount of power needed for time travel in Back to the Future?
What is a big sister in japanese?
Hollowed-out loaf of bread, one jar of creamy peanut butter, one jar of grape jelly, and a pound of bacon.
What are ingredients to a Fools Gold sandwhich?
How many chatrooms does ADK7 have?
When added in 1.9 it revolutionized transportation
What is the Elytra?
1941 movie with 100% on Rotten Tomatoes
What is Citizen Kane?
What is a terrible awful disturbing manga?