Fictional Vision
Personal Development
Sense of Belonging
Delusion 101

The first couple of months of university had been very stressful for Destiny and she felt unmotivated as an undeclared major. Starting the new year, she decides to create a vision board to inspire her and give her motivation in her life. She wasn’t sure what to add onto her board, so she looked at other people’s vision boards to give her clarity on what she should aspire for. She added a car, a house, healthy meals, and a degree. What could Destiny have done differently with envisioning and creating her vision board? 

a. Talked with a counselor about her own aspirations and motivations

b. Asked her friends what their goals are 

c. Thought about what her dreams and goals were as a little girl 

d. Reconsider her plans for college and figure out what goals align with her future lifestyle

a. Talked with a counselor about her own aspirations and motivations


Adler’s theory interprets inferiority feelings as the root of creativity rather than an abnormality. What is the importance of inferiority feelings?

a. They are intended to highlight a person’s weakness and struggles, and allow us to explore our superiority. 

b. They are intended to determine human motivation from a biological standpoint. 

c. They are intended to motivate humans towards mastery, success, and completion.

d. They are intended to become a barrier from social relatedness and shift our focus on our unconscious feelings.

c. They are intended to motivate humans towards mastery, success, and completion.


As humans, we recognize being a part of the community and our behavior in it. Adler says we have three universal life tasks to master: building friendships, establishing intimacy, and contributing to society. What is the most effective way to navigate each of these tasks?  

a. Seeking guidance from a mentor who has similar life experiences

b. Going to therapy to modify your lifestyle

c. Volunteering at your local food drive 

d. Participating in group activities

b. Going to therapy to modify your lifestyle


How do people who hold romantic feelings for someone who "does not exist" usually view love and marriage as?

a. An escape

b. A danger zone

c. A trap

b. A danger zone


Dakota and Caroline decided to go camping and found a good location to settle, unpack, and prop their tent up. As they were setting up, it started to rain so they go inside the tent to wait until it stops raining. Dakota felt at peace, laying down and enjoying the sound of rain. Caroline felt frustrated and annoyed the second it started to rain. What would explain the difference in the way they're feeling?

a. Their birth order

b. Their social interest

c. Their subjective realities

d. Their feelings of inferiority

c. Their subjective realities


In Alex’s 3rd year, he is finding it difficult getting through the semester. By the end of the semester, he decides to take a gap semester as he felt burnt out. During the gap semester, he found things that fulfilled him and motivated him to accomplish life goals. What aspect of Adlerian theory would explain why Alex decided to take a gap year and find things that fulfill him rather than drain him?

a. Life instincts 

b. Reality principle 

c. Transference 

d. Superiority

d. Superiority


Derek goes to therapy weekly. He talks about how he feels disconnected from his friends and from his community. He is always relying on his partners for support and quality time. What can Derek do to reconnect with his friends and the community? 

a. Joining an adult intramural team with his friends

b. Going to a community park cleanup with his friends 

c. Going to a networking event with his friends

d. Creating a business with his friends

b. Going to a community park cleanup with his friends


Adler thinks we find the following by being delusional regarding romance:

a. Comfort

b. Hope 

c. Excitement 

a. Comfort


Fictional finalism is influenced by the imagined future and the goals we potentially achieve. What scenario best illustrates fictional finalism? 

a. Randy broke his leg as a kid and remembers the struggles and pain inflicted. This moment in his life influenced him to become a pediatric nurse. He went into a nursing program and practiced all the basics to become a nurse. 

b. Stuart had a random object caught in his hair at the beach as a kid and wondered what it was. This increased his fascination with finding unknown objects or objects that have yet to be discovered and uncovering their true history. 

c. Jess grew up with his parents, who were painters. This influenced him to create his own art, create an art club in high school, and be president of the art club in university. He is studying creative art therapy and is working towards being a creative arts therapist.

d. Emmanuel got fired from his job and felt discouraged to find a new passion in his life. He decided to go on a road trip all around the United States and discovered a passion for nature photography and creating video diaries of his trips. He turned these hobbies into his brand new career as a photographer and vlogger.

c. Jess grew up with his parents, who were painters. This influenced him to create his own art, create an art club in high school, and be president of the art club in university. He is studying creative art therapy and is working towards being a creative arts therapist.


Amanda’s weakness is her time management. It is a struggle for her to complete assignments and tasks on time and always manages to submit them late. According to Adler, how might Amanda transform her weakness into a strength?  

a. By seeking guidance from her colleagues 

b. By looking at what external factors are causing her time management issues 

c. By avoiding low-priority tasks to focus on high-priority tasks 

d. By reflecting on the issue and coming up with a strategy to resolve her time management

d. By reflecting on the issue and coming up with a strategy to resolve her time management


Diana comes from a large family. Their background is Mexican and Colombian. Every year, her family has an annual get together that brings together her Mexican and Colombian family. As much as she feels connected to her culture when she is with her family, she doesn’t feel connected as much outside of her family.  Which is the best option Diana could do to build her sense of community and connect to her culture?

a. Do research about the history of Mexico and Colombia 

b. Find her family tree and discover who her ancestors were 

c. Join a multicultural organization at school

d. Participate in organizations that directly support her communities in Mexico and Colombia

d. Participate in organizations that directly support her communities in Mexico and Colombia


According to Adler, how would I respond to love and marriage even if I was not occupied by my fictional crushes?

a. Be realistic and give love a shot

b. Be uninterested no matter what

c. Unconsciously go for someone like my crushes

b. Be uninterested no matter what
