"Hello, I'd like to speak to..."
"Welcome to CUW!"
"Let's get going on tour!"
Around The Office
"A fun fact about this spot is..."

True or False: It is our job at reception to help everyone ourselves and have every answer for any problem or need they have.

False! We are a waypoint for people to help them get to where they need to be. You don't have to know everything, just who best to transfer to (and if you're not sure, ask!)


True or False: You should say hello and goodbye to each person coming through the welcome center

True! Our goal in admissions is to provide 5-star service to everyone who interacts with our university, whether by phone or in-person. Kind greetings and farewells go a long way in demonstrating Concordia's mission to live uncommon!


True or False: It is Cassandra's or Lydia's job to decide which student ambassadors take which people on tour

False: Student Ambassadors are tasked with divvying up tours as fairly and evenly as possible. Cassandra/Lydia have their own things they need to do! 


True or False: Before tour you should find an Admissions counselor to do a "Tour Intro"

True: The admissions counselors know this is a part of their job. It serves as a great way to set up expectations for our guests, and help them connect with who they'll potentially be meeting with after tour.


True of False: The building Concordia uses has always been apart of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)

False: Before Concordia purchased this location in 1982, it was owned by the Sisters of Notre Dame, a Catholic convent!


A man from Austria is calling Concordia to determine the status of his sister's I-20. It's approval is needed before his sister can officially attend the school. Who should you transfer to?

International Admissions (Extension number is 4455)


People travel from all over to come and tour Concordia, often driving many hours. After checking in a student, what is the first question you should ask them?

"Do you need the restroom or any waters or snacks?


It is important to try and connect with students on tour so that you can personalize the tour to make sure everyone is getting to see the parts of campus they are interested in. When are some good times to talk to students about their interests?

One of the best times to find out student issues is right at the beginning of tour when doing your own introduction. Another great time is between tour stops on campus, as this can help to fill silences and make transitions feel more natural.

You can ask their majors, if anyone is planning on playing sports, if they like art, music, theater, etc.


Someone is calling looking to learn more about the undergraduate business program. You need to transfer them over to an admissions counselor. How do you determine who to send them to?

Ask the person where they are calling from. If it is from a state outside of Wisconsin, transfer them to the appropriate counselor. If they are calling from Wisconsin, ask them which county they are in (if you can't figure it out by what city they tell you)


Concordia's "Blue Jesus" is a staple of CUW tours and also the subject of our tour t-shirts for the year! Why do we have a blue Jesus?

During the SND's stay, the window depicted mother Mary. In order to make the window coincide with LCMS beliefs, but not damage a historical and artistic piece, they just did a face swap!


A current student at CUW calls the main line saying how her DUO security is not working and now she is locked out of her account. Where you should transfer for?

The I.T. department! They deal with issues related to the cuw portal, duo security, computers, and helping connect people's tv's and other devices hooked up to wifi.


You are sitting at the welcome desk when the phone rings. There is a receptionist scheduled at the same time as you so you go about your business. You noticed that it is still ringing after around 5 rings. What should you do?

Answer the phone yourself. The receptionist may be busy with another phone call or using the restroom. When you're working reception, try to notify welcome desk when you're leaving the room so they can cover phones.


Your tour and your fellow ambassadors tour both end up at the same tour location at the same time. Both of you need to talk about this location. What should you do?

One or both of you should talk about the location while addressing both tour groups. This helps to keep tour moving along for both groups.


Name the five aspects of prep that Student Ambassadors make on the computer

1. Parking Signs

2. VIP Badges

3. Itineraries

4. Video Wall

5. Postcard Labels


Concordia has 3.5 miles of underground hallways on campus. A lot of these hallways have been around since the SND lived on campus. What did the nuns use to get around the hallways faster?

Bikes and Roller Skates! If you are ever taking your tour through the underground hallways, you can use this fun fact to spruce things up! (In addition to mentioning the class, laundry, and lofting rooms of course)


The same person has called three times, each time more frustrated then the last. You have already told them to leave a voicemail and that the people they are trying to reach will get back to them as soon as they can. What should you do?

In this specific instance, it is okay for you to ignore the phone call. If they go to the extent of calling from a different number, you can ask for Lydia, Cassandra, or another ambassador for help.


It is 5-10 minutes after tour was meant to have started and the tour guides have decided to leave despite not all guests being there. After the tour guides leave, what should be your first course of action?

Go and tell Lydia or Cassandra about who has not shown up! This is a NECESSITY so that they can cancel meetings the guest may have been scheduled for, so that we do not waste any of our professors or coaches time.


What are the two main things you need to do after giving guests their t-shirts?

1. Go get their admissions counselor and fill them in on any important info

2. Fill out postcards (unless you have class right away)


Whose job is it to check prep in the morning to make sure it is correct and ready to go for the day?

The 8:00 AM reception shift! There job is to make sure that there are no mistakes that need to be fixed, and to bring prep out to the person at the Welcome Desk


What NFL team practiced on Concordia's football field in 2008?

The Rams! (St. Louis at the time). Great fun fact for athletes on tour. This would be a great add-on around the view from Chemnitz!


Someone is calling from Aurora Hospital looking to post they have job openings available somewhere on campus. Who should you send them to?

CAACE (Ext 4499)


Sometimes, guests will just walk-in with no scheduled visit and want to go on tour. How do you respond appropriately?

Go talk to Lydia, Cassandra, or a Lead Student Ambassador, have them fill out an info card, if its tour time see who you can fit them on a tour with, if it is not, see who would be willing / able to take them on a tour, even if its abbreviated.


You only have ten minutes until your tour needs to be back in the welcome center for their admissions meeting and you have a couple more areas on campus to go to. What is your best course of action?

Skipping areas that are not necessarily as important to see, but still making sure to talk about them as you go past.


What shift(s) are responsible for snacks & water, refilling the keurig & supplies, removing parking signs,  and replacing t-shirts.

1. Snacks & Water = First Shift Reception

2. Keurig & Supplies = Last Shift Reception

3. Last Shift Welcome Desk

4. T-Shirts = Tour Prep


The Todd Wehr Auditorium on campus is home to CUW's many theatre productions and other fun events. For the Sisters of Notre Dame, it was home to their...

Gym! The nuns used the area as a gymnasium and exercise facility to stay fit! This is a great fact to sneak in somewhere between the nursing sim lab and Wittenberg!
