"Hi there, my therapist referred me to your program. Can you help me schedule? I think they wanted me to have a more specialized OP therapist."
"Hi, I'm in SC and want to do virtual programming from my home - is that possible? Oh, I also have BCBS insurance, do you accept that insurance?"
Thank the person for reaching out, naming these are great questions, you are pulling up some information and in the meantime asking them to share a bit more about what motivated them to call.
"My name is Betty, I am a psychiatrist at Opal here in WA. We are hoping to refer a client to your inpatient program in WA, they have CHPW Apple Health. Could they admit next week?"
Validate these are great questions, reassure we also want to help get the client in as soon as possible and probe to understand more about why they are referring while you pull up information to answer.
"Hi, do you guys support involuntary holds?"
Thank the caller for reaching out, name that more information would be needed to answer their question and ask an open-ended probing question.
"Hi, I'm calling with my son, he was recently recommended inpatient, and we need to understand the visitation hours before we can consider your facility. It's very important to us that he not become isolated while in treatment."
Reassure them they are calling the right place, and we could name that visitation is an option in all of our programming (high level answer). Probe to understand why they were referred, more details will help you better support the conversation.